序号 |
项目编号 |
候选人 |
推荐奖种 |
所在单位 |
提名单位/专家 |
1 | Y001-701 | 伍晖提名单位/人 | 邱勇 | 姓名 | 伍晖 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1983-01-22 | 工作单位 | 清华大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Scalable manufacturing and applications of nanofibers, Materials Today, Ya Huang, Jianan Song, Cheng Yang, Yuanzheng Long, Hui Wu | 2 | ? 60 oC solution synthesis of atomically dispersed cobalt electrocatalyst with superior performance, Nature Communications, Kai Huang, Le Zhang, Ting Xu, Hehe Wei, Ruoyu Zhang, Hui Wu,... | 3 | An intermediate temperature garnet-type solid electrolyte-based molten lithium battery for grid energy storage, Nature Energy, Yang Jin, Kai Liu, Jialiang Lang, Denys Zhuo, Hui Wu, ... | 4 | Tuning defects in oxides at room temperature by lithium reduction, Nature Communications, Gang Ou, Yushuai Xu, Bo Wen, Rui Lin,Hui Wu, ... | 5 | Ice Melting to Release Reactants in Solution Syntheses, Angewandte Chemie, Hehe Wei, Kai Huang, Le Zhang, Binghui Ge, Hui Wu, ... | 6 | Iced photochemical reduction to synthesize atomically dispersed metals by suppressing nanocrystal growth, Nature Communications, Hehe Wei, Kai Huang, Da Wang, Ruoyu Zhang, Hui Wu, ... | 7 | Ultralight, scalable, and high-temperature–resilient ceramic nanofiber sponges, Science Advances, Haolun Wang, Xuan Zhang, Ning Wang, Yan Li, Hui Wu, ... | 8 | 2D Metals by Repeated Size Reduction, Advanced Materials, Hanwen Liu, Hao Tang, Minghao Fang, Wenjie Si, Qinghua Zhang, Zhaohui Huang, Lin Gu, Wei Pan, Jie Yao, Cewen Nan, Hui Wu | 9 | A transparent electrode based on a metal nanotrough network, Nature Nanotechnology, Hui Wu, Desheng Kong, Zhichao Ruan, Po-Chun Hsu, Shuang Wang, Zongfu Yu, Thomas J Carney, ... | 10 | Stable cycling of double-walled silicon nanotube battery anodes through solid–electrolyte interphase control, Nature Nanotechnology, Hui Wu, Gerentt Chan, Jang Wook Choi, Ill Ryu, ... |
| 青年奖 | 清华大学 | 邱勇 |
2 | Y002-701 | 何林提名单位/人 | 董奇 | 姓名 | 何林 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1981-10-01 | 工作单位 | 北京师范大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Chiral tunneling in a twisted graphene bilayer/Phys. Rev. Lett./W. Y. He, Z.-D. Chu, and L. He | 2 | Creating one-dimensional nanoscale periodic ripples in a continuous mosaic graphene monolayer/Phys. Rev. Lett./K.-K. Bai, Y. Zhou, H. Zheng, L. Meng, H. Peng, Z. F. Liu, J.-C. Nie, and L. He | 3 | Strain and curvature induced evolution of electronic band structures of Twisted Graphene Bilayer/Nature Commun./W. Yan, W. He, Z.Chu, M. Liu, R.Dou, L. Meng, L. Feng, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu,J. Nie, L. He | 4 | Angle Dependent Van Hove Singularities in a Slightly Twisted Graphene Bilayer/Phys. Rev. Lett./W. Yan, M. Liu, R.-F. Dou, L. Meng, L. Feng, Z.-D. Chu, Y. F. Zhang, Z. F. Liu, J.-C. Nie, and L. He | 5 | Modulating the electronic properties of graphene by self-organized sulfur identical nanoclusters and atomic superlattices confined at an interface/ACS Nano/D.Ma, Z. Fu, X. Sui, et. al. L. He, | 6 | Strain-induced one-dimensional Landau quantizations in Corrugated Graphene/Phys. Rev. B/L. Meng, W. Y. He, H. Zheng, M. Liu, H. Yan, W. Yan, Z.-D. Chu, R.-F. Dou, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, J.-C. Nie, and L. H | 7 | Superlattice Dirac Points and Space-dependent Fermi Velocity in Corrugated Graphene Monolayer/Phys. Rev. B/H. Yan, Z.Chu, W. Yan, M. Liu, L. Meng, M. Yang, Y. Fan, J. Wang, R.Dou, Z.Liu, J.Nie, L. He | 8 | High-magnetic field tunneling spectra of ABC-stacked trilayer graphene on graphite/Phys. Rev. Lett./L.-J. Yin, L.-J. Shi, S.-Y. Li, Y. Zhang, Z.-H. Guo, and L. He | 9 | Scanning tunneling microscopy of π magnetism of a single atomic vacancy in graphene/Phys. Rev. Lett./Y. Zhang, S.-Y. Li, H. Huang, W. T. Li, J. B. Qiao, W.-X. Wang, L.-J. Yin, W. H. Duan, and L. He | 10 | Direct imaging of topological edge states at a bilayer graphene domain wall/Nature Commun./L.-J. Yin, H. Jiang, J. B. Qiao, and L. He |
| 青年奖 | 北京师范大学 | 董奇 |
3 | Y003-701 | 赵珺提名单位/人 | 郭东明 | 姓名 | 赵珺 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1981-04-27 | 工作单位 | 大连理工大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | J. Zhao, W. Wang, C. Sheng, Data-Driven Prediction for Industrial Processes and Their Applications, Springer. (专著) | 2 | J. Zhao, L. Chen, W. Pedrycz, et al.Variational Inference-Based Automatic Relevance Determination Kernel for Embedded Feature Selection of Noisy Industrial Data, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics | 3 | J. Zhao, L. Chen, W. Pedrycz, W. Wang. A Novel Semi-supervised Sparse Bayesian Regression based on Variational Inference for Industrial Datasets with Incomplete Outputs,IEEE Trans. on SMC: System | 4 | J. Zhao, C. Sheng, W. Wang, W. Pedrycz, Q. Liu. Data-Based Predictive Optimization for Byproduct Gas System in Steel Industry, IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering | 5 | J. Zhao, Z. Han, W. Pedrycz, W. Wang. Granular Model of Long-Term Prediction for Energy System in Steel Industry, IEEE Trans. On Cybernetics | 6 | J. Zhao, W. Wang, K. Sun, Y. Liu. A Bayesian networks structure learning and reasoning based byproduct gas scheduling in steel industry, IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering | 7 | J. Zhao, Q. Liu, W. Wang, W. Pedrycz, L. Cong. Hybrid Neural Prediction and Optimized Adjustment for Coke Oven Gas System in Steel Industry, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning System | 8 | J. Zhao, W. Wang, W. Pedrycz, X. Tian. Online Parameter Optimization- Based Prediction for Converter Gas System by Parallel Strategies, IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology | 9 | J. Zhao,Q. Liu, W. Pedrycz, D. Li. Effective Noise Estimation-Based Online Prediction for Byproduct Gas System in Steel Industry, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics | 10 | J. Zhao, W. Wang, Y. Liu, W. Pedrycz. A two-stage online prediction method for a blast furnace gas system and its application, IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology |
| 青年奖 | 大连理工大学 | 郭东明 |
4 | Y004-701 | 李寒莹提名单位/人 | 吴朝晖 | 姓名 | 李寒莹 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1980-01-20 | 工作单位 | 浙江大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Visualizing the 3-D Internal Structure of Calcite Single Crystals Grown in Agarose Hydrogels / Science / 李寒莹, Xin HL, Muller DA, Estroff LA* | 2 | Functionalizing Single-Crystals: Nanoparticle Incorporation Inside Gel-Grown Calcite Crystals / Angew. Chem. Int. Edn. / Liu YJ, Yuan WT, Shi Y, Chen XQ, Wang Y, Chen HZ, 李寒莹* | 3 | High-mobility field-effect transistors from large-area solution-grown aligned C60 single-crystals / J.Am.Chem.Soc. / 李寒莹, Tee BCK, Cha JJ, Cui Y, Chung JW, Lee SY, Bao ZN* | 4 | Boosting the electron mobility of solution-grown organic single crystals via reducing the amount of polar solvent residues / Mater. Horiz. / Xue GB, Wu JK, Fan CC, Liu S, Huang ZT, Liu YJ ... 李寒莹* | 5 | Ambipolar Charge Transport of TIPS-Pentacene Single-Crystals Grown from Non-Polar Solvents / Mater. Horiz. / Xue GB, Fan CC, Wu JK, Liu S, Liu YJ, Chen HZ, Xin HL, 李寒莹* | 6 | Preparation of Single-Crystalline Heterojunctions for Organic Electronics / Adv. Mater. / Wu JK, Li QF, Xue GB, Chen HZ, 李寒莹* | 7 | Solution-Grown Organic Single-Crystalline p-n Junctions with Ambipolar Charge Transport / Adv. Mater. / Fan CC, Zoombelt AP, Jiang H, Fu WF, Wu JK, Yuan WT, Wang Y, 李寒莹*, Chen HZ*,Bao ZN | 8 | Enhanced photovoltaic performance of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite solar cells through interfacial engineering using self-assembling monolayer / J.Am.Chem.Soc. / Zuo LJ, Gu ZW, Ye T ... 李寒莹*, Chen HZ* | 9 | Solution-Grown Organic Single-Crystalline Donor-Acceptor Heterojunctions for Photovoltaics / Angew. Chem. Int. Edn. / 李寒莹*, Fan CC, Fu WF, Xin HL, Chen HZ* | 10 | The degree of crystallinity exhibiting a spatial distribution in polymer films / Eur. Polym. J. / Yang YH, Chen M, Li HB, 李寒莹* |
| 青年奖 | 浙江大学 | 吴朝晖 |
5 | Y005-701 | 赵俊提名单位/人 | 许宁生 | 姓名 | 赵俊 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1980-03-19 | 工作单位 | 复旦大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Structural and magnetic phase diagram of CeFeAsO1-xFx and its relationship to high-temperature superconductivity,Nature Materials,Zhao,J et al. | 2 | Spin waves and magnetic exchange interactions in CaFe2As2,Nature Physics,Zhao,J et al. | 3 | Strong interplay between stripe spin fluctuations,nematicity and superconductivity in FeSe,Nature Materials,Wang,QS......Zhao,J* | 4 | Magnetic ground state of FeSe,Nature Communications,Wang,QS......Zhao,J* | 5 | Structure of spin excitations in heavily electron-doped Li0.8Fe0.2ODFeSe superconductors,Nature Communications,Pan,BY......Zhao,J* | 6 | Transition from sign-reversed to sign-preserved Cooper-pairing symmetry in sulfur-doped iron selenide superconductors,Physical Review Letters,Wang,QS......Zhao,J* | 7 | Neutron scattering measurements of spatially anisotropic magnetic exchange interactions in semiconducting K0.85Fe1.54Se2 (TN=280 K),Physical Review Letters,Zhao,J* et al. | 8 | Electron-spin excitation coupling in an electron doped copper oxide superconductor,Nature Physics,Zhao,J et al. | 9 | Evidence for a spinon Fermi surface in a triangular-lattice quantum-spin-liquid candidate,Nature,Shen,Y......Zhao,J* | 10 | Fractionalized excitations in the partially magnetized spin liquid candidate YbMgGaO4,Nature Communications,Shen,Y......Zhao,J* |
| 青年奖 | 复旦大学 | 许宁生 |
6 | Y006-701 | 李勇提名单位/人 | 段献忠 | 姓名 | 李勇 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1982-02-16 | 工作单位 | 湖南大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Realization of Reactive Power Compensation Near the LCC-HVDC Converter-Bridges by Means of an Inductive Filtering Method/IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Yong Li, Longfu Luo, Christian Rehtanz | 2 | 电力感应滤波原理与应用/李勇,罗隆福,张 志文,许加柱,曹一家 | 3 | A Virtual Impedance Comprehensive Control Strategy for the Controllably Inductive Power Filtering System/IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics/Yong Li, Qianyi Liu,Sijia Hu, Fang Liu, Yijia Cao | 4 | Flexible Voltage Control Strategy Considering Distributed Energy Storages for DC Distribution Network/IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid/Yong Li, Li He,Fang Liu, Canbing Li, Yijia Cao,et al | 5 | Enhancement of Commutation Reliability of an HVDC Inverter by Means of an Inductive Filtering Method/IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics/Yong Li,Fang Liu,Longfu Luo,Christian Rehtan | 6 | Simulation of the Electromagnetic Response Characteristic of an Inductively Filtered HVDC Converter Transformer Using
Field-Circuit Coupling/IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics/Yong Li,etal | 7 | An Inductively Filtered Multiwinding Rectifier Transformer and Its Application in Industrial DC Power Supply System/IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics/Yong Li,Fanghong Yao, Yijia Cao | 8 | A New Converter Transformer and a Corresponding Inductive Filtering Method for HVDC Transmission System/IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Longfu Luo, Yong Li,Jiazhu Xu, Ji Li,etal | 9 | An Industrial DC Power Supply System Based on an Inductive Filtering Method/IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Yong Li, Longfu Luo, Christian Rehtanz, Sven Rüberg, Dechang Yang, Jiazhu Xu | 10 | Interconnected Power Systems: Wide-Area Dynamic Monitoring and Control Applications/Yong Li, Dechang Yang, Fang Liu, Yijia Cao, Christian Rehtanz |
| 青年奖 | 湖南大学 | 段献忠 |
7 | Y007-701 | 叶轩立提名单位/人 | 高松 | 姓名 | 叶轩立 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1979-01-26 | 工作单位 | 华南理工大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Organic and Solution Processed Tandem Solar Cells with 17.3% Efficiency,Science,Liangxian Meng,Yamin Zhang,Xiangjian Wan*,Liming Ding*,Hin-Lap Yip,Yongsheng Chen*,Yong Cao | 2 | n-Type Water/Alcohol-Soluble Naphthalene Diimide-Based Conjugated Polymers for High-Performance Polymer Solar Cells,J.Am.Chem.Soc,Zhihong Wu,Chen Sun,Hin-Lap Yip*,Fei Huang*,Yong Cao | 3 | Interface Design for High-Efficiency Non-Fullerene Polymer Solar Cells,Energy Environ. Sci,Chen Sun,Zhihong Wu,Hin-Lap Yip*,Jianhui Hou*,Fei Huang*,Yong Cao | 4 | High Performance Polymer Tandem Solar Cells Employing New n-type Conjugated Polymer as Interconnecting Layer, Adv. Mater,Kai Zhang,Ke Gao,Fei Huang*,Xiaobin Peng*,Liming Ding*,Hin-Lap Yip*,Yong Cao | 5 | Solution-Processed Organic Tandem Solar Cells with Power Conversion Efficiencies > 12%, Nature Photonics,Miaomiao Li,Ke Gao,Xiangjian Wan*,Hin-Lap Yip,Xiaobin Peng*,Yong Cao,Yongsheng Chen* | 6 | Heat Insulating Multifunctional Semitransparent Polymer Solar Cells, Joule,Chen Sun,Ruoxi Xia,Hui Shi,Jianhui Hou,Fei Huang*,Hin-Lap Yip*,Yong Cao | 7 | Amino-Functionalized Conjugated Polymer as an Efficient Electron Transport Layer for High-Performance Planar-Heterojunction Perovskite Solar Cells,Adv. Energy Mater,Chen Sun,Hin-Lap Yip*,Fei Huang* | 8 | High Performance Color-Tunable Perovskite Light Emitting Devices through Structural Modulation from Bulk to Layered Film, Adv. Mater,Ziming Chen,Chongyang Zhang,Tingting Shi,Hin-Lap Yip*,Yong Cao | 9 | Effect of Fluorine Content in Thienothiophene-Benzodithiophene Copolymers on the Morphology and Performance of Polymer Solar Cells,Chemistry of Materials,Peng Liu,Kai Zhang,Hin-Lap Yip*,Fei Huang* | 10 | Modulation of Recombination Zone Position for Quasi-two-dimensional Blue Provskite Light-emitting Diodes with Efficiency Exceeding 5%, Nature Communcations, Zhenchao Li,Ziming Chen,Hin-Lap Yip* |
| 青年奖 | 华南理工大学 | 高松 |
8 | Y008-701 | 郑彦臻提名单位/人 | 王树国 | 姓名 | 郑彦臻 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1979-12-30 | 工作单位 | 西安交通大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | 论文:Molecule-based magnetic coolers. / Chem. Soc. Rev. /Y.-Z.Zheng*, G.-J.Zhou, Z.Zheng, R.E.P. Winpenny | 2 | 论文:On approaching the limit of molecular magnetic anisotropy: a near-perfect pentagonal bipyramidal dysprosium(III) single-molecule magnet. / Angew. Chem. Ind. Ed. / Y.-S.Ding, Y.-Z.Zheng* et al | 3 | 论文:Field- and temperature-dependent quantum tunnelling of the magnetisation in a large barrier single-molecule magnet. / Nat. Commun./ Y.-S.Ding,Y.-Z.Zheng* et al | 4 | 论文: Co-Ln mixed-metal phosphonate grids and cages as molecular magnetic refrigerants. / J. Am. Chem. Soc. /Y.-Z. Zheng, M. Evangelisti, F.Tuna, R. E. P. Winpenny* | 5 | 论文:A "Star" antiferromagnet: A polymeric iron(III)acetate that exhibits both spin frustration and long-range magnetic ordering. /Angew. Chem. Ind. Ed./Y.-Z.Zheng, M.-L.Tong,X.-M.Chen* et al | 6 | 论文: A symbol approach for classifica- tion of molecule-based magnetic materials exemplified by coordination polymers of metal carboxylates./ Coord. Chem. Rev. / Y.-Z. Zheng*, Z.Zheng, X.-M. Chen | 7 | 论文:Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of a giant {Ni21Gd20} cage with a S = 91 spin ground state./ Nat. Commun. / W.-P. Chen, Y.-Z. Zheng* et al | 8 | 论文:Co-Gd phosphonate complexes as magnetic refrigerants./ Chem.Sci. / Y.-Z. Zheng, M. Evangelisti, R. E. P. Winpenny* | 9 | 论文:Large magnetocaloric effect in a Wells-Dawson type{Ni6Gd6P6} cage./Angew. Chem. Ind. Ed. /Y.-Z. Zheng, M. Evangelisti, R. E. P. Winpenny* | 10 | 论文: Assembling magnetic nanowires into networks: A layered Co-II carboxylate coordination polymer exhibiting single- chain-magnet behavior./ Angew. Chem. Ind. Ed. / Y.-Z.Zheng, X.-M.Chen* et al |
| 青年奖 | 西安交通大学 | 王树国 |
9 | Y009-701 | 曾杰提名单位/人 | 包信和 | 姓名 | 曾杰 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1980-09-05 | 工作单位 | 中国科学技术大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Synergetic interaction between neighbouring platinum monomers in CO2 hydrogenation/Nature Nanotechnology/H.Li(#),L.Wang(#);W.Zhang(*),J.Zeng(*) | 2 | Incorporating nitrogen atoms into cobalt nanosheets as a strategy to boost catalytic activity toward CO2 hydrogenation/Nature Energy/L.Wang(#),W.Zhang(#),X.Zheng(#);J.Zeng(*) | 3 | Atomic-level insights in optimizing reaction paths for hydroformylation reaction over Rh/CoO single-atom catalyst/Nature Communications/L.Wang(#),W.Zhang(#);W.Zhang(*),C.Ma(*),J.Zeng(*) | 4 | Engineering electrocatalytic activity in nanosized perovskite cobaltite through surface spin-state transition/Nature Communications/S.Zhou(#,*),Z.Hu(*),J.Zeng(*) | 5 | Facile synthesis of pentacle gold-copper alloy nanocrystals and their plasmonic and catalytic properties/Nature Communications/R.He(#),Y.-C.Wang(#),X.Wang(#);J.Zeng(*) | 6 | A new nanobiocatalytic system based on allosteric effect with dramatically enhanced enzymatic performance/J.Am.Chem.Soc./L.Wang(#),J.Zeng(*) | 7 | Octahedral Pd@Pt1.8Ni core–shell nanocrystals with ultrathin PtNi alloy shells as active catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction/J.Am.Chem.Soc./X.Zhao(#);Z.Peng(*),J.Zeng(*) | 8 | Achieving remarkable activity and durability toward oxygen reduction reaction based on ultrathin Rh-doped Pt nanowires/J.Am.Chem.Soc./H.Huang(#),K.Li(#);R.Si(*),Z.Peng(*),J.Zeng(*) | 9 | Size-controlled synthesis of platinum–copper hierarchical trigonal bipyramid nanoframes/Angew.Chem.Int.Ed./S.Chen(#),J.Zeng(*) | 10 | Understanding of strain effect in electrochemical reduction of CO2: using Pd nanostructures as an ideal platform/Angew.Chem.Int.Ed./H.Huang(#),H.Jia(#),Z.Liu(#);J.Yang(*),J.Zeng(*) |
| 青年奖 | 中国科学技术大学 | 包信和 |
10 | Y010-701 | 王健提名单位/人 | 谢心澄、向涛 | 姓名 | 王健 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1979-03-07 | 工作单位 | 北京大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Quantum Griffiths singularity of superconductor-metal transition in Ga thin films/Science/Ying Xing, et.al.(通讯作者,文章发表后被同期Science的Perspective文章展望和评价:“Randomness rules”) | 2 | Discovery of log-periodic oscillations in ultraquantum topological materials/Science Advances/Wang Huichao,et.al.(通讯作者) | 3 | Observation of superconductivity induced by a point contact on 3D Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 crystal/Nature Materials/He Wang, et.al.(通讯作者,文章图被选为插图) | 4 | Interplay between superconductivity and ferromagnetism in crystalline nanowires/Nature Physics/Jian Wang, et.al.(第一作者兼通讯作者,文章发表后被同期Nature Physics的新闻和展望重点推介和报道) | 5 | Nontrivial superconductivity in topological MoTe2-xSx crystals/Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/Li Yanan, et.al.(共同通讯作者) | 6 | Interface-Induced Zeeman-Protected Superconductivity in Ultrathin Crystalline Lead Films/Physical Review X/Liu Yi, et.al.(通讯作者) | 7 | Anisotropic Fermi Surface and Quantum Limit Transport in High Mobility Three-Dimensional Dirac Semimetal Cd3As2/Physical Review X/Yanfei Zhao, et.al.(通讯作者) | 8 | Detection of a Superconducting Phase in a Two-Atom Layer of Hexagonal Ga Film Grown on Semiconducting GaN(0001)/Physical Review Letters/H. M. Zhang, et.al.(文章被选为“编辑推荐”,共同通讯作者) | 9 | Evidence for electron-electron interaction in topological insulator thin films/Physical Review B/Jian Wang, et.al.(第一作者兼通讯作者,文章发表后被选为Web of Science高被引论文) | 10 | Direct Observation of High-Temperature Superconductivity in One-Unit-Cell FeSe Films/Chinese Physics Letters/Wen-Hao Zhang, et.al.(共同通讯作者,文章发表后被Science的Editors' Choice报道,高被引论文) |
| 青年奖 | 北京大学 | 谢心澄、向涛 |
11 | Y011-701 | 刘永提名单位/人 | 张远航、王金南 | 姓名 | 刘永 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1980-10-21 | 工作单位 | 北京大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | 湖泊-流域生态系统管理研究/科学出版社/刘永,郭怀成 | 2 | Identification of Watershed Priority Management Areas Under Water Quality Constraints: A Simulation-Optimization Approach with Ideal Load Reduction/Journal of Hydrology/Dong FF, Liu Y* Wu Z, Chen Y | 3 | Internal Cycling, not External Loading, Decides the Nutrient Limitation in Eutrophic Lake: A Dynamic Model with Temporal Bayesian Hierarchical Inference/Water Research/Wu Z,Liu Y*, Liang ZY, Wu SF | 4 | Enhanced Nonlinearity Interval Mapping Scheme for High Performance Simulation-Optimization of Watershed-Scale BMP Placement/Water Resources Research/Zou R*, Riverson J, Liu Y*, MurphyR, Sim Y | 5 | Distribution of sediment bacterial and archaeal communities in plateau freshwater lakes/Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology/Zhang JX, Yang YY, Zhao L, Li YZ, Xie SG*, Liu Y* | 6 | Quantitative Evaluation of Lake Eutrophication Responses under Alternative Water Diversion Scenarios/Science of the Total Environment/Liu Y, Wang YL, Sheng H, Dong FF, Zou R*, Zhao L,Guo HC, Zhu X | 7 | Guided adaptive optimal decision making approach for uncertainty based watershed scale load reduction/Water Research/Liu Y, Zou R, Riverson J, Yang P J, Guo H C* | 8 | Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia: Exploring Increasing Sensitivity to Nitrogen Loads/Environmental Science and Technology/Liu Y, Evans M A, Scavia D* | 9 | Water quality modeling for load reduction under uncertainty: A Bayesian approach/Water Research/Liu Y, Yang P J, Hu C, Guo H C* | 10 | 智能流域管理研究/科学出版社/刘永,邹锐,郭怀成 |
| 青年奖 | 北京大学 | 张远航、王金南 |
12 | Y012-701 | 郝丹提名单位/人 | 梅宏、陈纯 | 姓名 | 郝丹 | 性别 | 女 | 出生年月 | 1979-10-04 | 工作单位 | 北京大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Dan Hao, Lu Zhang, Lei Zang, Yanbo Wang, Xingxia Wu, Tao Xie, To be optimal or not in test-case prioritization, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | 2 | Dan Hao, Lingming Zhang, Lu Zhang, Gregg Rothermel, Hong Mei, A unified test-case prioritization approach, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology | 3 | Hong Mei, Dan Hao, Lingming Zhang, Lu Zhang, Ji Zhou, Gregg Rothermel, A static approach to prioritizing Junit test cases, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | 4 | Dan Hao, Lu Zhang, Xingxia Wu, Hong Mei, Gregg Rothermel, On-demand test suite reduction, the 34th IEEE ICSE | 5 | Jie Zhang, Yiling Lou, Lingming Zhang, Dan Hao, Lu Zhang, Hong Mei, Isomorphic regression testing: executing uncovered branches without test augmentation, ACM SIGSOFT FSE 2016 | 6 | Jie Zhang, Ziyi Wang, Lingming Zhang, Dan Hao, Lei Zang, Shiyang Cheng, Lu Zhang, Predictive Mutation Testing, ACM ISSTA 2016 | 7 | Dan Hao, Tian Lan, Hongyu Zhang, Chao Guo, Lu Zhang, Is this a bug or an obsolete test? the 27th ECOOP | 8 | Junjie Chen, Yanwei Bai, Dan Hao, Yingfei Xiong, Hongyu Zhang, Bing Xie, Learning to prioritize test programs for compiler testing, the 39th IEEE/ACM ICSE | 9 | Jie Zhang, Junjie Chen, Dan Hao, Yingfei Xiong, Bing Xie, Lu Zhang, Hong Mei, Search-based inference of polynomial metamorphic relations, the 29th IEEE/ACM ASE | 10 | Yafeng Lu, Yiling Lou, Shiyang Cheng, Lingming Zhang, Dan Hao, Yangfan Zhou, Lu Zhang, How does regression test prioritization perform in real-world software evolution? the 38th ACM ICSE |
| 青年奖 | 北京大学 | 梅宏、陈纯 |
13 | Y013-701 | 李丹提名单位/人 | 吴建平、陈杰 | 姓名 | 李丹 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1981-05-07 | 工作单位 | 清华大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | "ESM: Efficient and Scalable Data Center Multicast Routing" / IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking / Dan Li, Yuanjie Li, Jianping Wu, Sen Su and Jiangwei Yu | 2 | "Reliable Multicast in Data Center Networks"/ IEEE Transactions on Computers / Dan Li, Mingwei Xu, Ying Liu, Xia Xie, Yong Cui, Jingyi Wang and Guihai Chen | 3 | "Software Defined Green Data Center Network with Exclusive Routing" / IEEE INFOCOM / Dan Li, Yunfei Shang and Congjie Chen | 4 | "Scalable and Cost-effective Interconnection of Data-center Servers using Dual Server Ports" / IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking / Dan Li, Chuanxiong Guo, Haitao Wu, Kun Tan, Yongguang Zhang, Songw | 5 | "Exploring Efficient and Scalable Multicast Routing in Future Data Center Networks" / IEEE INFOCOM / Dan Li, Jiangwei Yu, Junbiao Yu and Jianping Wu | 6 | "Scalable Data Center Multicast using Multi-class Bloom Filter" / IEEE ICNP / Dan Li, Henggang Cui, Yan Hu, Yong Xia and Xin Wang | 7 | "BCube: A High Performance, Server-centric Network Architecture for Modular Data Centers"/ ACM SIGCOMM / Chuanxiong Guo, Guohan Lu, Dan Li, HaitaoWu, Xuan Zhang, Yunfeng Shi, Chen Tian, Yongguang Zhan | 8 | "FiConn: Using Backup Port for Server Interconnection in Data Centers"/ IEEE INFOCOM / Dan Li, Chuanxiong Guo, Haitao Wu, Kun Tan, Yongguang Zhang and Songwu Lu | 9 | "MDCube: A High Performance Network Structure for Modular Data Center Interconnection"/ ACM CoNext / Haitao Wu, Guohan Lu, Dan Li, Chuanxiong Guo and Yongguang Zhang | 10 | "Energy-aware Routing in Data Center Network" /ACM SIGCOMM WKSHPS / Yunfei Shang, Dan Li, Mingwei Xu |
| 青年奖 | 清华大学 | 吴建平、陈杰 |
14 | Y014-701 | 李国良提名单位/人 | 孙家广、李伯虎 | 姓名 | 李国良 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1980-11-05 | 工作单位 | 清华大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Guoliang Li, Beng Chin Ooi, Jianhua Feng, Jianyong Wang, Lizhu Zhou. EASE: an effective 3-in-1 keyword search method for unstructured, semi-structured and structured data. SIGMOD 2018: 903-914 | 2 | Guoliang Li, Dong Deng, Jiannan Wang, Jianhua Feng. Pass-Join: A Partition-based Method for Similarity Joins. VLDB 2012 5 (3), 253-264 | 3 | Guoliang Li, Jiannan Wang, Yudian Zheng, M Franklin. Crowdsourced Data Management: A Survey. IEEE TKDE 2016 28 (9), 2296-2319 | 4 | Guoliang Li,Shuo Chen, Jianhua Feng,Kian lee Tan, Wen-syan Li. Efficient location-aware influence maximization. SIGMOD 2014,87-98 | 5 | Guoliang Li, Jing Xu, Jianhua Feng. Direction-Aware Spatial Keyword Search. ICDE 2012: 474-485 | 6 | Yudian Zheng, Jiannan Wang, Guoliang Li, Reynold Cheng, Jianhua Feng. Qasca: a quality-aware task assignment system for crowdsourcing applications. SIGMOD 2015, 1031-1046 | 7 | Ju Fan, Guoliang Li, BC Ooi, Kianlee Tan, Jianhua Feng. icrowd: An adaptive crowdsourcing framework. SIGMOD 2015:1015-1030 | 8 | Jiannan Wang, Jianhua Feng, Guoliang Li. Trie-join: Efficient trie-based string similarity joins with edit-distance constraints. VLDB 2010: 1219-1230 | 9 | Yudian Zheng, Guoliang Li, Reynold Cheng, Yuanbing Li, Caihua Shan. Truth inference in crowdsourcing: Is the problem solved? VLDB 2017: 541-552 | 10 | Shuo Chen, Ju Fan, Guoliang Li, Jianhua Feng, Kian-lee Tan. Online topic-aware influence maximization.VLDB 2015:666-677 |
| 青年奖 | 清华大学 | 孙家广、李伯虎 |
15 | Y015-701 | 贾庆山提名单位/人 | 管晓宏、吴澄 | 姓名 | 贾庆山 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1980-11-06 | 工作单位 | 清华大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Event-Based HVAC Control - A Complexity-Based Approach/IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering/Jia, Qing-Shan; Wu, Junjie; Wu, Zijian; Guan, Xiaohong | 2 | Matching EV Charging Load with Uncertain Wind: A Simulation-Based Policy Improvement Approach/IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid/Huang, Qilong; Jia, Qing-Shan; Qiu, Zhifeng; Guan, Xiaohong; Deconinck, Ge | 3 | Optimal Control of Multiroom HVAC System: An Event-Based Approach/IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology/Wu, Zijian; Jia, Qing-Shan; Guan, Xiaohong | 4 | A Multi-timescale and Bilevel Coordination Approach for Matching Uncertain Wind Supply with EV Charging Demand/IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering/Huang, Qilong; Jia, Qing-Shan; Gu | 5 | Efficient Computing Budget Allocation for Simulation-Based Optimization with Stochastic Simulation Time/IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control/Jia, Qing-Shan | 6 | On Optimal Partial Broadcasting of Wireless Sensor Networks for Kalman Filtering/IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control/Jia, Qing-Shan; Shi, Ling; Mo, Yilin; Sinopoli, Bruno | 7 | On Solving Event-Based Optimization With Average Reward Over Infinite Stages/IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control/Jia, Qing-Shan | 8 | On State Aggregation to Approximate Complex Value Functions in Large-Scale Markov Decision Processes/IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control/Jia, Qing-Shan | 9 | Event-Based Sensor Data Scheduling: Trade-Off Between Communication Rate and Estimation Quality/IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control/Wu, Junfeng; Jia, Qing-Shan; Johansson, Karl Henrik; Shi, Ling | 10 | A Decentralized Stay-Time Based Occupant Distribution Estimation Method for Buildings/IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering/Jia, Qing-Shan; Wang, Hengtao; Lei, Yulin; et al. |
| 青年奖 | 清华大学 | 管晓宏、吴澄 |
16 | Y016-701 | 翟荟提名单位/人 | 段文晖、薛其坤 | 姓名 | 翟荟 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1981-02-16 | 工作单位 | 清华大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Spin-Orbit Coupled Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates/ Physical Review Letters/Chunji Wang, Chaoming Jian, Chao Gao and Hui Zhai | 2 | Stability of a Fully Magnetized Ferromagnetic State in Repulsively Interacting Ultracold Fermi Gases/Physical Review A (Rapid Communication)/Xiaoling Cui and Hui Zhai | 3 | Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gases across a Feshbach Resonance/Physical Review Letters/Zeng-Qiang Yu and Hui Zhai | 4 | Spin-Orbit Coupled Degenerate Fermi Gases, Physical Review Letters/Physical Review Letters/ Pengjun Wang, Zeng-Qiang Yu, Zhengkun Fu, Jiao Miao, Lianghui Huang, Shijie Chai, Hui Zhai, and Jing Zhang | 5 | Floquet Topological States in Shaking Optical Lattices/Physical Review A (Rapid Communiction)/ Wei Zheng and Hui Zhai | 6 | Orbital Feshbach Resonance in Alkali-Earth Atoms/Physical Review Letters/Ren Zhang, Yanting Cheng, Hui Zhai and Peng Zhang | 7 | Observation of the Efimovian Expansion in Scale-Invariant Fermi Gases/Science/Shujin Deng, Zhe-Yu Shi, Pengpeng Diao, Qianli Yu, Hui Zhai, Ran Qi and Haibin Wu | 8 | Scheme to Measure the Topological Number of a Chern Insulator from Quench Dynamics/Physical Review Letters/Ce Wang, Pengfei Zhang, Xin Chen, Jinlong Yu and Hui Zhai | 9 | Out-of-Time-Order Correlation for Many-Body Localization/Science Bulletin/Ruihua Fan, Pengfei Zhang, Huitao Shen and Hui Zhai | 10 | Measuring Out-of-Time-Order Correlators on a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Quantum Simulator/Physical Review X/Jun Li, Ruihua Fan, Hengyan Wang, Bingtian Ye, Bei Zeng, Hui Zhai, Xinhua Peng, Jiangfeng Du |
| 青年奖 | 清华大学 | 段文晖、薛其坤 |
17 | Y017-701 | 郭庆来提名单位/人 | 周孝信、汤广福 | 姓名 | 郭庆来 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1979-03-06 | 工作单位 | 清华大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Emission-concerned wind-EV coordination on the transmission grid side with network constraints: Concept and case study. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID. Li, Zhengshuo; Guo, Qinglai; et al. | 2 | An adaptive zone-division-based automatic voltage control system with applications in China. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS. Sun, Hongbin; Guo, Qinglai; et al. | 3 | Rapid-charging navigation of electric vehicles based on real-time power systems and traffic data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID. Guo, Qinglai; Xin, Shujun; et al. | 4 | Optimal voltage control of PJM smart transmission grid: Study, implementation, and evaluation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID. Guo, Qinglai; Sun, Hongbin; et al. | 5 | Cyber-physical modeling and cyber contingency assessment of hierarchical control systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID. Xin, Shujun; Guo, Qinglai; et al. | 6 | Hierarchical automatic voltage control for integration of large-scale wind power: Design and implementation. ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH. Guo, Qinglai; Sun, Hongbin; et al. | 7 | Feasible region method based integrated heat and electricity dispatch considering building thermal inertia. APPLIED ENERGY. Pan, Zhaoguang; Guo, Qinglai; et al. | 8 | Interactions of district electricity and heating systems considering time-scale characteristics based on quasi-steady multi-energy flow. APPLIED ENERGY. Pan, Zhaoguang; Guo, Qinglai; et al. | 9 | An interval gas flow analysis in natural gas and electricity coupled networks considering the uncertainty of wind power. APPLIED ENERGY. Qiao, Zheng; Guo, Qinglai; et al. | 10 | Master-slave-splitting based distributed global power flow method for integrated transmission and distribution analysis. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID. Sun, Hongbin; Guo, Qinglai; et al. |
| 青年奖 | 清华大学 | 周孝信、汤广福 |
18 | Y018-701 | 侯新梅提名单位/人 | 张清杰、刘炯天 | 姓名 | 侯新梅 | 性别 | 女 | 出生年月 | 1979-12-15 | 工作单位 | 北京科技大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | High-performance SiC Nanobelt Photodetectors with Long-Term Stability Against 300 °C up to 180 Days/Advanced Functional Materials/Yang Tao,Cheng Shangliang,Hou Xinmei* et al. | 2 | Superior Photodetectors Based on All-Inorganic Perovskite CsPbI3 Nanorods with Ultrafast Response and High Stability/ACS Nano/Yang Tao,Zheng Yapeng,Hou Xinmei* et al. | 3 | Bare and boron-doped cubic silicon carbide nanowires for electrochemical detection of nitrite sensitively/Scientific Reports/Yang Tao,Zhang Liqin,Hou Xinmei*,Chen Junhong,Chou Kuochih | 4 | B-doped 3C-SiC Nanowires with a Finned Microstructure for Efficient Visible Light-driven Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production/Nanoscale/Yang Tao,Chang Xiwang,Hou Xinmei* et al. | 5 | A Facile Synthesis of a Three-Dimensional Flexible 3C-SiC Sponge and Its Wettability/Crystal Growth&Design/Chen Junhong,Liu Wenna,Yang Tao,Li Bin,Su Jindong,Hou Xinmei*,Chou Kuochih | 6 | A Simple Model for the Oxidation of Carbon-containing Composites/Corrosion Science/Hou Xinmei*,Chou Kuochih | 7 | A new treatment for kinetics of oxidation of silicon carbide/Ceramics International/Hou Xinmei*,Chou Kuochih,Li Fushen | 8 | Kinetics of High-temperature Oxidation of Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials/Journal of the American Ceramic Society/Chou Kuochih,Hou Xinmei | 9 | Quantitative interpretation of the parabolic and nonparabolic oxidation behavior of nitride ceramic/Journal of the European Ceramic Society/Hou Xinmei,Chou Kuochih | 10 | Model of Oxidation of SiC Microparticles at High Temperature/Corrosion Science/Hou Xinmei,Chou Kuochih |
| 青年奖 | 北京科技大学 | 张清杰、刘炯天 |
19 | Y019-701 | 王水炯提名单位/人 | 李曙光、王成善 | 姓名 | 王水炯 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1986-01-11 | 工作单位 | 中国地质大学(北京) |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Tracing carbonate-silicate interaction during subduction using magnesium and oxygen isotopes/Nature Communications/Wang, S.-J., Teng, F.-Z., Li, S.-G. | 2 | Magnesium isotope evidence for a recycled origin of cratonic eclogites/Geology/Wang, S.-J., Teng, F.-Z., Rudnick, R. L., Li, S.-G | 3 | Magnesium isotopic variations in cratonic eclogites: Origins and implications/Earth and Planetary Science Letters/Wang, S.-J., Teng, F.-Z., Williams, H. M., Li, S.-G | 4 | Experimental constraints on reconstruction of Archean seawater Ni isotopic composition from banded iron formations/Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta/Wang, S.-J., Wasylenki, L. E | 5 | Tracing the origin of continental HIMU-like intraplate volcanism using magnesium isotope systematics/Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta/Wang, S.-J., Teng, F.-Z., Scott, J. M | 6 | The behavior of magnesium isotopes in low-grade metamorphosed mudrocks/Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta/Wang, S.-J., Teng, F.-Z., Rudnick, R. L., Li, S.-G | 7 | Magnesium isotopic systematics of mafic rocks during continental subduction/Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta/Wang, S.-J., Teng, F.-Z., Li, S.-G., Hong, J.-A | 8 | Geochronology and geochemistry of leucosomes in the North Dabie Terrane, East China: Implication for post-UHPM crustal melting during exhumation/Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology/Wang, S.-J. | 9 | Tracing subduction zone fluid-rock interactions using trace element and Mg-Sr-Nd isotopes/Lithos/Wang, S.-J., Teng, F.-Z., Li, S.-G., He, Y.-S., Zhang, L.-F., Du, J.-X., Niu Y.-L. | 10 | Methanogenesis sustained by sulfide weathering during the Great Oxidation Event/Nature Geoscience/Wang, S.-J., Rudnick, R.L. Gaschnig G.M., Wang, H., Wasylenki L.E. |
| 青年奖 | 中国地质大学(北京) | 李曙光、王成善 |
20 | Y020-701 | 王孝磊提名单位/人 | 陈骏、郑永飞 | 姓名 | 王孝磊 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1979-06-30 | 工作单位 | 南京大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Detrital zircon geochronology of Precambrian basement sequences in the Jiangnan orogen: Dating the assembly of the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks / Precambrian Research / Wang XL*, et al.(通讯作者) | 2 | Geochemical zonation across a Neoproterozoic orogenic belt: Isotopic evidence from granitoids and metasedimentary rocks of the Jiangnan orogen, China/Precambrian Research/Wang XL*, et al.(第一作者) | 3 | Post-orogenic extension in the eastern part of the Jiangnan orogen: Evidence from ca 800-760 Ma volcanic rocks / Precambrian Research / Wang XL*, et al. (第一作者) | 4 | Neoproterozoic low-δ18O zircons revisited: implications for Rodinia configuration / Geophysical Research Letters / Huang DL, Wang XL*, et al.(通讯作者) | 5 | Neoproterozoic backarc basin on the southeastern margin of the Yangtze block during Rodinia assembly: New evidence from provenance of detrital zircons../GSA Bulletin/Zhang FF,Wang XL* et al.(通讯作者) | 6 | Magmatic evolution and crustal recycling for Neoproterozoic strongly peraluminous granitoids from southern China: Hf and O isotopes in zircon/Earth and Planetary Science Letters/Wang XL*,et (第一作者) | 7 | Hafnium isotopic heterogeneity in zircons from granitic rocks: Geochemical evaluation and modeling of "zircon effect" in crustal anatexis/Earth and Planetary Science Letters/Tang M,Wang XL*,(通讯作者) | 8 | Origin of heavy Fe isotope compositions in high-silica igneous rocks: a rhyolite perspective / Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta / Du DH, Wang XL*, Yang T, Chen X, Li JY, Li WQ* (共同通讯作者) | 9 | Heterogeneous conservation of zircon xenocrysts in Late Jurassic granitic intrusions within the Neoproterozoic Jiuling batholith, South China... /J. Petrol./Wang D, Wang XL* et al.(通讯作者) | 10 | LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon geochronology of the Neoproterozoic igneous rocks from Northern Guangxi, South China: Implications for tectonic evolution/Precambrian Research/Wang XL, Zhou JC*, et al.(第一作者) |
| 青年奖 | 南京大学 | 陈骏、郑永飞 |
21 | Y022-701 | 薄拯提名单位/人 | 岑可法、杨华勇 | 姓名 | 薄拯 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1982-05-02 | 工作单位 | 浙江大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic focusing of particles in straight channel flows with the immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method / Int. J. Heat Mass Tran.; Sun, DK等(被提名人为通讯作者) | 2 | Kinetic-dominated charging mechanism within representative aqueous electrolyte-based electric double-layer capacitors / J. Phys. Chem. Lett.; Yang, HC等(被提名人为通讯作者) | 3 | Vertically oriented graphene bridging active-layer/current-collector interface for ultrahigh rate supercapacitors / Adv. Mater.; Bo, Z等(被提名人为第一作者和共同通讯作者) | 4 | Edge effects in vertically-oriented graphene based electric double-layer capacitors / J. Power Sources; Yang, HC等(被提名人为通讯作者) | 5 | Vertically oriented graphene sheets grown on metallic wires for greener corona discharges: lower power consumption and minimized ozone emission / Energy Environ. Sci.; Bo, Z等(被提名人为第一作者) | 6 | One-step fabrication and capacitive behavior of electrochemical double layer capacitor electrodes using vertically-oriented graphene directly grown on metal / Carbon; Bo, Z等(被提名人为第一作者) | 7 | Green preparation of reduced graphene oxide for sensing and energy storage applications / Sci. Rep.; Bo, Z等(被提名人为第一作者) | 8 | Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition synthesis of vertically oriented graphene nanosheets / Nanoscale; Bo, Z等(被提名人为第一作者和通讯作者) | 9 | Emerging energy and environmental applications of vertically-oriented graphenes / Chem. Soc. Rev.; Bo, Z等(被提名人为排名第一的共同第一作者) | 10 | Plasma assisted dry methane reforming using gliding arc gas discharge: Effect of feed gases proportion / Int. J. Hydrogen Energy; Bo, Z等(被提名人为第一作者) |
| 青年奖 | 浙江大学 | 岑可法、杨华勇 |
22 | Y024-701 | 李武华提名单位/人 | 罗安、潘垣 | 姓名 | 李武华 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1979-10-09 | 工作单位 | 浙江大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Enabling Junction Temperature Estimation via Collector-Side Thermo-Sensitive Electrical Parameters through Emitter Stray Inductance/IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron./H. Luo, W. Li*(李), F. Iannuzz,X He | 2 | Frequency Coordinating Virtual Impedance for Autonomous Power Management of DC Microgrid/IEEE Trans. Power Electron./Y. Gu, W. Li*(李武华), X. He | 3 | Interleaved Converter with Voltage Multiplier Cell for High Step-Up and High Efficiency Conversion/IEEE Trans. Power Electron./W. Li*(李武华), Y. Zhao, Y. Deng, X. He | 4 | Review of Nonisolated High-Step-Up DC/DC Converters in Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Applications/IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron./W. Li*(李武华), X. He | 5 | Design and Analysis of a Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power System/IEEE Trans. Power Electron./B.Yang, W. Li*(李武华), Y. Zhao, X. He | 6 | Improved Transformerless Inverter With Common-Mode Leakage Current Elimination for a Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Power System/IEEE Trans. Power Electron./B. Yang, W. Li*(李武华), Y. Gu, W. Cui,X. He | 7 | Mode-Adaptive Decentralized Control for Renewable DC Microgrid With Enhanced Reliability and Flexibility/IEEE Trans. Power Electron./Y. Gu, X. Xin, W. Li*(李武华), X. He | 8 | Topology Review and Derivation Methodology of Single-Phase Transformerless Photovoltaic Inverters for Leakage Current Suppression/IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron./W. Li*(李武华), Y. Gu,H. Luo, W. Cui,X. He | 9 | Transformerless Inverter With Virtual DC Bus Concept for Cost-Effective Grid-Connected PV Power Systems/IEEE Trans. Power Electron./Y. Gu, W. Li*(李武华), Y. Zhao, B. Yang, C. Li, X. He | 10 | 大容量电力电子器件结温提取原理综述及展望/电机工程学报/李武华, 陈玉香, 罗皓泽, 周 宇, 杨 欢, 何湘宁 |
| 青年奖 | 浙江大学 | 罗安、潘垣 |
23 | Y025-701 | 郭得科提名单位/人 | 杨学军、廖湘科 | 姓名 | 郭得科 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1980-05-26 | 工作单位 | 中国人民解放军国防科技大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Optimizing Bloom Filter: Challenges, Solutions, and Comparisons/ IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMST)/ Lailong Luo, Deke Guo, Richard T.B. Ma, Ori Rottenstreich, Xueshan Luo. | 2 | Exploiting Efficient and Scalable Shuffle Transfers in Future Data Center Networks/IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)/Deke Guo, Junjie Xie, Xiaolei Zhou, Xiaomin Zhu, Wei Wei | 3 | Expansible and Cost-Effective Network Structures for Data Centers Using Dual-port Servers/ IEEE Transactions on Computers (TOC)/ Deke Guo, Tao Chen, Dan Li, Mo Li, Yunhao Liu, Guihai Chen | 4 | Set Reconciliation via Counting Bloom Filters/ IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)/ Deke Guo, Mo Li | 5 | Link Scheduling for Exploiting Spatial Reuse in Multi-hop MIMO Networks/ IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)/ Deke Guo, Yuan He, Yunhao Liu, Panlong Yang, Xiang-Yang Li, Xin W | 6 | On the Feasibility of Gradient-based Data-centric Routing Using Bloom Filters/ IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)/ Deke Guo, Yuan He, Yunhao Liu | 7 | Efficient Multiset Synchronization/ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking(TON)/ Lailong Luo, Deke Guo, Jie Wu, Ori Rottenstreich, Qian He, Yudong Qing, Xueshan Luo | 8 | Quasi-Kautz Digraphs for Peer-to-Peer Networks/ IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)/ Deke Guo, Jie Wu, Yunhao Liu, Hai Jin, Hanhua Chen, Tao Chen | 9 | The Dynamic Bloom Filters/ IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)/ Deke Guo, Jie Wu, Honghui Chen, Ye Yuan, Xueshan Luo | 10 | False Negative Problem of Counting Bloom Filter/ IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)/ Deke Guo, Yunhao Liu, Xiangyang Li, Panlong Yang |
| 青年奖 | 中国人民解放军国防科技大学 | 杨学军、廖湘科 |
24 | Y026-701 | 胡隆华提名单位/人 | 范维澄、袁亮 | 姓名 | 胡隆华 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1979-10-29 | 工作单位 | 中国科学技术大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Lift-off of jet diffusion flame in sub-atmospheric pressures: an experimental investigation and interpretation based on laminar flame speed/ Combustion and Flame, Qiang Wang, Longhua Hu*, Mi Zhang, Fe | 2 | Flame radiation feedback to fuel surface in medium ethanol and heptane pool fires with cross air flow / Combustion and Flame, Longhua Hu*, Shuai Liu, Long Wu | 3 | A wind tunnel experimental study on burning rate enhancement behavior of gasoline pool fires by cross air flow / Combustion and Flame, Longhua Hu*, Shuai Liu, Yong Xu, Dong Li | 4 | Flame spread over electric wire with high thermal conductivity metal core at different inclinations / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Longhua Hu*, Yangshu Zhang, Yoshioka Kosuke, Lzumo Hiroka | 5 | Flame size and volumetric heat release rate of turbulent buoyant jet diffusion flames in normal- and a sub-atmospheric pressure/ Fuel, Longhua Hu*, Xiaolei Zhang, Qiang Wang, Adriana Palacios | 6 | Flame height and lift-off of turbulent buoyant jet diffusion flames in a reduced pressure atmosphere / Fuel, Longhua Hu*, Qiang Wang, Michael Delichatsios, Fei Tang, Xiaochun Zhang, Shouxiang Lu* | 7 | A new mathematical quantification of wind-blown flame tilt angle of hydrocarbon pool fires with a new global correlation model / Fuel, Longhua Hu*, Shuai Liu, John L de Ris, Long Wu | 8 | Studies on buoyancy-driven back-layering flow in tunnel fires / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Longhua Hu, Ran Huo, Wanki Chow* | 9 | Critical wind velocity for arresting upwind gas and smoke dispersion induced by near-wall fire in a road tunnel/Journal of Hazardous Materials, Longhua Hu*, Wei Peng, Ran Huo | 10 | On the maximum smoke temperature under the ceiling in tunnel fires / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Longhua Hu, Ran Huo, Wei Peng, Wanki Chow*, Ruixin Yang |
| 青年奖 | 中国科学技术大学 | 范维澄、袁亮 |
25 | Y027-701 | 张彪提名单位/人 | 蒋兴伟、陈大可 | 姓名 | 张彪 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1979-09-22 | 工作单位 | 南京信息工程大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Mapping sea surface oil slicks using RADARSAT-2 quad-polarization SAR image/Geophysical Research Letters/Zhang Biao,William Perrie,Xiaofeng Li,William G.Pichel | 2 | Cross-polarized synthetic aperture radar:A new potential technique for hurricanes/Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,Zhang Biao,William Perrie | 3 | Ocean vector winds retrieval from C-band fully polarimetric SAR measurements/IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,Zhang Biao,William Perrie,Paris W.Vachon,Xiaofeng Li,William G.Pichel | 4 | Wind speed retrieval from RADARSAT-2 quad-polarization images using a new polarization ratio model/Journal of Geophysical Research,Zhang Biao,William Perrie,Yijun He | 5 | High resolution hurricane vector winds from C-band dual-polarization SAR observations/Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,Zhang Biao,William Perrie,Jun A.Zhang,Eric Uhlhorn,Yijun He | 6 | Synergistic measurements of ocean winds and waves from SAR/Journal of Geophysical Research/Zhang Biao,Li Xiaofeng,William Perrie,Yijun He | 7 | Validation of RADARSAT-2 fully polarization SAR measurements of ocean surface waves/Journal of Geophysical Research/Zhang Biao,William Perrie,Yijun He | 8 | Remote Sensing of ocean waves by along-track interferometric synthetic aperture radar/Journal of Geophysical Research | 9 | Compact polarimetry synthetic aperture radar for marine oil platform and slick detection/IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing/Zhang Biao,Xiaofeng Li,William Perrie,Oscar Garcia-Pineda | 10 | Recent progress on high wind speed retrieval from multi-polarization SAR imagery: A review/International Journal of Remote Sensing,Zhang Biao,William Perrie |
| 青年奖 | 南京信息工程大学 | 蒋兴伟、陈大可 |
26 | Y028-701 | 孙庆丰提名单位/人 | 李坚、蒋剑春 | 姓名 | 孙庆丰 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1983-08-10 | 工作单位 | 浙江农林大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | MnO2 nanoflakes/cellulose nanofibre aerogel fabricated via ultrasonication for high-performance water desalination, Journal of Materials Chemistry A.Qingfeng Sun* et al. | 2 | Naturally three-dimensional laminated porous carbon network structured short nano-chains bridging nanospheres for energy storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A.Qingfeng Sun* et al. | 3 | Processing Lignocellulose-Based Composites into an Ultrastrong Structural Material, ACS Nano.Qingfeng Sun* et al. | 4 | 木材仿生智能科学引论,科学出版社.李坚,孙庆丰,王成毓等. | 5 | 生物质纳米材料与气凝胶,科学出版社.卢芸,李坚,孙庆丰,刘一星等. | 6 | ?Interface-Engineered Atomically Thin Ni3S2/MnO2 Heterogeneous Nanoarrays for Efficient Overall Water Splitting in Alkaline Media,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.Qingfeng Sun* et al. | 7 | A 3D titanate aerogel with cellulose as the adsorption-aggregator for highly efficient water purification, Journal of Materials Chemistry A.Qingfeng Sun* et al. | 8 | Cellulose Fibers Constructed Convenient Recyclable 3D Graphene-Formicary-like delta-Bi2O3 Aerogels for the Selective Capture of Iodide, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.Qingfeng Sun* et al. | 9 | Endowing graphene with superior cation/anion co-purification and visible photocatalysis performances by in situ deposition of silver compounds, Journal of Materials Chemistry A.Qingfeng Sun* et al. | 10 | High Mechanical Property of Laminated Electromechanical Sensors by Carbonized Nanolignocellulose/Graphene Composites, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.Qingfeng Sun* et al. |
| 青年奖 | 浙江农林大学 | 李坚、蒋剑春 |
27 | Y029-701 | 卢海舟提名单位/人 | 俞大鹏、朱邦芬 | 姓名 | 卢海舟 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1980-09-24 | 工作单位 | 南方科技大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Phys. Rev. Lett./"Decays of Majorana or Andreev oscillations induced by steplike spin-orbit coupling"/Zhan Cao, Hao Zhang, Hai-Feng Lv, Wan-Xiu He, Hai-Zhou Lu(通讯作者), X. C. Xie | 2 | Phys. Rev. Lett./"Band signatures for strong nonlinear Hall effect in bilayer WTe2"/Z. Z. Du, C. M. Wang, Hai-Zhou Lu(通讯作者), and X. C. Xie | 3 | Phys. Rev. Lett./"Forbidden backscattering and resistance minimum in the quantum limit as a signature of topological insulators"/Yiyuan Chen, Hai-Zhou Lu(通讯作者), and X. C. Xie | 4 | Phys. Rev. Lett./"Rules for phase shifts of quantum oscillations in topological nodal-line semimetals"/Cequn Li, C. M. Wang, Bo Wan, Xiangang Wan, Hai-Zhou Lu(通讯作者), and X. C. Xie | 5 | Phys. Rev. Lett./"Negative magnetoresistance without chiral anomaly in topological insulators"/Xin Dai, Z. Z. Du, and Hai-Zhou Lu(通讯作者) | 6 | Phys. Rev. Lett./"3D quantum Hall effect of Fermi arcs in topological semimetals"/C. M. Wang, Hai-Peng Sun, Hai-Zhou Lu(通讯作者), and X. C. Xie | 7 | Phys. Rev. Lett./"Anomalous phase shift of quantum oscillations in 3D topological semimetals"/C. M. Wang, Hai-Zhou Lu(通讯作者), and Shun-Qing Shen | 8 | Nature Physics/"Magnetic tunneling induced Weyl node annihilation in TaP"/C.L.Zhang, Hai-Zhou Lu*(共同通讯作者), Junfeng Wang*, Shuang Jia*, et.al. | 9 | Phys.Rev.Lett./"Competition between weak localization and antilocalization in topological surface states"/Hai-Zhou Lu(第一作者), Junren Shi,Shun-Qing Shen | 10 | Phys. Rev. B/"Massive Dirac fermions and spin physics in an ultrathin film of topological insulator"/Hai-Zhou Lu(第一作者), Wen-Yu Shan, Wang Yao, Qian Niu, Shun-Qing Shen |
| 青年奖 | 南方科技大学 | 俞大鹏、朱邦芬 |
28 | Y030-701 | 蒋伟提名单位/人 | 唐勇、杨学明 | 姓名 | 蒋伟 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1981-05-14 | 工作单位 | 南方科技大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Shear-induced assembly of a transient yet highly stretchable hydrogel based on pseudopolyrotaxanes/Nature Chemistry/Wei Jiang (通讯作者) et al | 2 | Naphthocage: A Flexible yet Extremely Strong Binder for Singly Charged Organic Cations/J. Am. Chem. Soc./Christoph A. Schalley (通讯作者),Wei Jiang (通讯作者) et al | 3 | Molecular Recognition of Hydrophilic Molecules in Water by Combining the Hydrophobic Effect with Hydrogen Bonding/J. Am. Chem. Soc./Wei Jiang (通讯作者) et al | 4 | Directional Shuttling of a Stimuli‐Responsive Cone‐Like Macrocycle on a Single‐State Symmetric Dumbbell Axle/Angew. Chem. Int. Ed/Wei Jiang (通讯作者) et al | 5 | Achieving Strong Positive Cooperativity through Activating Weak Non‐Covalent Interactions/Angew. Chem. Int. Ed./Wei Jiang (通讯作者) et al | 6 | Molecular Recognition and Chirality Sensing of Epoxides in Water Using Endo-Functionalized Molecular Tubes/J. Am. Chem. Soc./Wei Jiang (通讯作者) et al | 7 | Selective Recognition of Highly Hydrophilic Molecules in Water by Endo-Functionalized Molecular Tubes/J. Am. Chem. Soc./Wei Jiang (通讯作者) et al | 8 | Oxatub[4]arene: a smart macrocyclic receptor with multiple interconvertible cavities/Chem. Sci./Wei Jiang (通讯作者) et al | 9 | Integrative Self-sorting: a Versatile Strategy for the Construction of Complex Supramolecular Architecture/Chem. Soc. Rev./Wei Jiang (通讯作者), Christoph A. Schalley (通讯作者) et al | 10 | The Construction of Complex Multicomponent Supramolecular Systems via the Combination of Orthogonal Self-Assembly and the Self-Sorting Approach/Chem.Sci./Wei Jiang(通讯作者),HaiBo Yang(通讯作者) et al |
| 青年奖 | 南方科技大学 | 唐勇、杨学明 |
29 | Y031-701 | 刘运全提名单位/人 | 中国物理学会 | 姓名 | 刘运全 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1979-02-21 | 工作单位 | 北京大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Low Yield of Near-Zero-Momentum Electrons and Partial tomic Stabilization in Strong-Field Tunneling ionization/Phyical Review Letters/H. Liu,Y. Liu, L. Fu, G. Xin,D. Ye, J. Liu,X. He,Y. Yang,X.Liu | 2 | Characteristic Spectrum of Very Low-Energy Photoelectron from Above-Threshold Ionization in the Tunneling Regime/Physical Review Letters/C. Y.Wu,Y.Q.Liu,Q.H.Gong,M.Wu,X.Liu,X.L.Hao,W.Li,X.T.He,J.Chen | 3 | Subcycle Dynamics of Coulomb Asymme try in Strong Elliptical Laser Fields/Physical Review Letters/M.Li,Yunquan Liu,H.Liu,Q.Ning,L.Fu,J.Liu,Y.Deng,C.Wu, L.Peng,Q.Gong | 4 | Classical-Quantum Correspondence for Above-Threshold ionization/Physical Review Letters/M.Li,H.Liu,Y.Deng,C.Wu,L.Peng,Q.Gong,and Yunquan Liu | 5 | Subcycle nonadiabtic strong-field tuneling ionization /Physical Review A/M.Li,J.Geng,M.Han,M.-M.,Liu,L.-Y.Peng, Q. Gong,Yunquan Liu | 6 | Strong-Field Double Ionization of Ar below the Recollision Threshold/Physical Review Letters/Yunquan Liu,S. Tschuch,
A. Rudenko,M. Durr,M. Siegel,U. Morgner,R.Moshammer,J.Ullrich | 7 | Multiphoton Dou ble Ionization of Ar and Ne Close to Threshold/Physical Review Letters/Y.Liu, D.Ye,J.Liu,A.Rudenko,S.Tschuch,M.Durr,M.Siegel,U.Morgner,Q.Gong,R.Moshammer,J.Ullrich | 8 | Mechanism s of Strong-Field Double Ionization of Xe/Physical Review Letters/X.Sun,M.Li,D.Ye,G.Xin,L.Fu, C.Wu, J.Liu,Q.Gong,and Y.Liu | 9 | Selective Steering of Molecular Multiple Dissociative Channels with Strong/Physicl Review Letters/Yunquan Liu,Xianrong Liu, Yongkai Deng, Chengyin Wu, Hongbing Jiang, and Qihuang Gong | 10 | Nonsequential and Sequential Fragment ation ofCO23 in Intense Laser Fields/Physical Review Letters/C. Wu,C. Wu,D. Song,H. Su,Y. Yang,Z.Wu,X.Liu,H.Liu,M.Li,Y.Deng,Y.Liu,L.Peng,H.Jiang,Q.Gong |
| 青年奖 | 北京大学 | 中国物理学会 |
30 | Y032-701 | 郭帅提名单位/人 | 中国数学会 | 姓名 | 郭帅 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1985-09-09 | 工作单位 | 北京大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Gopakumar-Vafa BPS invariants, Hilbert schemes and quasimodular forms. I, Adv. Math, Shuai Guo and Jian Zhou |
| 青年奖 | 北京大学 | 中国数学会 |
31 | Y033-701 | 张一慧提名单位/人 | 中国力学学会 | 姓名 | 张一慧 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1986-01-18 | 工作单位 | 清华大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | High Performance, Tunable Electrically Small Antennas through Mechanically Guided 3D Assembly. / Small, Liu F, Chen Y, Song H, Zhang F, Fan Z, Liu Y, Feng X, Rogers JA, Huang Y, Zhang YH* | 2 | Mechanics of fractal-inspired horseshoe microstructures for applications in stretchable electronics. / Journal of Applied Mechanics, Ma Q, Zhang YH* | 3 | Soft network materials with isotropic negative Poisson’s ratios over large strains. / Soft Matter, Liu J, Zhang YH* | 4 | Assembly of micro/nanomaterials into complex, three-dimensional architectures by compressive buckling. / Science, Xu S,......, Huang YG*, Zhang YH*, Rogers JA* | 5 | Printing, folding and assembly methods for forming 3D mesostructures in advanced materials. / Nature Reviews Materials, Zhang YH*, Zhang F, Yan Z, Ma Q, Li XL, Huang YG, Rogers JA* | 6 | Morphable 3D Mesostructures and Microelectronic Devices by Multistable Buckling Mechanics. / Nature Materials, Fu H,......, Huang YG*, Zhang YH*, Rogers JA* | 7 | Soft Mechanical Metamaterials with Unusual Swelling Behavior and Tunable Stress-strain curves. / Science Advances, Zhang H, Guo X, Wu J, Fang DN*, Zhang YH* | 8 | A mechanically driven form of Kirigami as a route to 3D mesostructures in micro/nanomembranes. / PNAS, Zhang YH,......, Huang YG*, Rogers JA* | 9 | Micro/Nanoscale 3D Assembly by Rolling, Folding, Curving and Buckling Approaches / Advanced Materials, Cheng X, Zhang YH* | 10 | A nonlinear mechanics model of bio-inspired hierarchical lattice materials consisting of horseshoe microstructures. / Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Ma Q,......, Zhang YH* |
| 青年奖 | 清华大学 | 中国力学学会 |
32 | Y035-701 | 赵永利提名单位/人 | 中国通信学会 | 姓名 | 赵永利 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1981-09-01 | 工作单位 | 北京邮电大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | 赵永利*,郁小松,张佳玮,杨辉,王磊,张杰著,《软件定义光网络》,人民邮电出版社 | 2 | 赵永利*,张杰,纪越峰著,《频谱灵活光网络》,人民邮电出版社 | 3 | Yongli Zhao*, Liyazhou Hu, Ruijie Zhu, Xiaosong Yu, Yajie Li, Wei Wang, and Jie Zhang, “Crosstalk-aware spectrum defragmentation by re-provisioning advance reservation requests in space division mult | 4 | Yongli Zhao*, Boyuan Yan, Dongmei Liu, Yongqi He, Dajiang Wang, and Jie Zhang, “Self-Optimizing Optical Networks with Machine Learning,” Optics Express | 5 | Yongli Zhao*, Yuan Cao, Wei Wang, Hua Wang, Xiaosong Yu, Jie Zhang, Massimo Tornatore, Yu Wu, and Biswanath Mukherjee, “Resource Allocation in Optical Networks Secured by Quantum Key Distribution,” | 6 | Yongli Zhao*, Bowen Chen, Jie Zhang, Xinbo Wang, “Energy Efficiency with Sliceable Multi-Flow Transponders and Elastic Regenerators in Survivable Virtual Optical Networks,” IEEE Transaction on Commu | 7 | Yongli Zhao*, Ruiying He, Haoran Chen, Jie Zhang, Yuefeng Ji, Haomian Zheng, Yi Lin, and Xinbo Wang, “Experimental Performance Evaluation of Software Defined Networking (SDN) based Data Communication | 8 | Yongli Zhao*, Jie Zhang, Min Zhang, Yuefeng Ji, and Wanyi Gu, “Dual Routing Engine Architecture in Multi-layer and Multi-domain Optical Networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine | 9 | Jiawei Zhang, Yongli Zhao, Xiaosong Yu, Jie Zhang, Mei Song, Yuefeng Ji, and Biswanath Mukherjee, “Energy-Efficient Traffic Grooming in Sliceable-Transponder-Equipped IP-Over-Elastic Optical Networks | 10 | Jie Zhang, Yongli Zhao, Hui Yang, Yuefeng Ji, Hui Li, Yi Lin, Gang Li, Jianrui Han, Yong Lee, and Teng Ma, “ First Demonstration of Enhanced Software Defined Networking (eSDN) Over Elastic Grid (eGri |
| 青年奖 | 北京邮电大学 | 中国通信学会 |
33 | Y036-701 | 唐朝生提名单位/人 | 中国地质学会 | 姓名 | 唐朝生 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1980-10-04 | 工作单位 | 南京大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Experimental characterization of shrinkage and desiccation cracking in thin clay layer/Applied Clay Science/Chao-Sheng Tang, Bin Shi, Chun Liu, Wen-Bin Suo, Lei Gao. | 2 | Experimental Investigation of the Desiccation Cracking Behavior of Soil Layers during Drying/ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering/Chao-Sheng Tang, Bin Shi, Chun Liu, Lei Gao, Hilary I-Inyang | 3 | Desiccation and cracking behaviour of clay layer from slurry state under wetting–drying cycles/Geoderma/Chao-Sheng Tang, Yu-Jun Cui, Bin Shi, Anh-Minh Tang, Chun Liu. | 4 | Urbanization effect on soil temperature in Nanjing, China / Energy and Buildings /Tang Chao-Sheng, Bin Shi, Lei Gao, John Daniels, Hong-Tao Jiang, Chun Liu. | 5 | Desiccation cracking behavior of polypropylene fiber–reinforced clayey soil/Canadian Geotechnical Journal/Chao-Sheng Tang, Bin Shi, Yu-Jun Cui, Chun Liu, Kai Gu. | 6 | Tensile Strength of Compacted Clayey Soil/ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering/Chao-Sheng Tang, Xiang-Jun Pei, De-Yin Wang, Bin Shi, Jian Li. | 7 | Strength and mechanical behavior of short polypropylene fiber reinforced and cement stabilized clayey soil/ Geotextiles and Geomembranes/ Chao-Sheng Tang, Bin Shi, Wei Gao, Feng-Jun Chen, Yi Cai. | 8 | Influencing factors of geometrical structure of surface shrinkage cracks in clayey soils/Engineering Geology/ Chao-Sheng Tang, Bin Shi, Chun Liu, Li-Zheng Zhao, Bao-Jun Wang. | 9 | Interfacial shear strength of fiber reinforced soil/Geotextiles and Geomembranes/Chao-Sheng Tang, Bin Shi, Li-Zheng Zhao. | 10 | Experiment evidence on the temperature dependence of desiccation cracking behavior of clay soils/ Engineering Geology/Chao-Sheng Tang, Yu-Jun Cui, Anh-Minh Tang, Bin Shi. |
| 青年奖 | 南京大学 | 中国地质学会 |
34 | Y037-701 | 叶肖伟提名单位/人 | 教育部科技委环境与土木水利学部 | 姓名 | 叶肖伟 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1980-11-12 | 工作单位 | 浙江大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Monitoring-based fatigue reliability assessment of steel bridges: analytical model and application/Journal of Structural Engineering,Ni, Y.Q., Ye,X.W., and Ko, J.M | 2 | Statistical analysis of stress spectra for fatigue life assessment of steel bridges with structural health monitoring data/Engineering Structures,Ye, X.W., Ni,Y.Q., Wong, K.Y., and Ko, J. | 3 | A vision-based system for dynamic displacement measurement of long-span bridges: algorithm and verification/Smart Structures and Systems,Ye, X.W., Ni, Y.Q.,Wai, T.T., Wong, K.Y, Zhang, X. | 4 | Modeling of stress spectrum using long-term monitoring data and finite mixture distributions/Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,Ni, Y.Q., Ye,X.W., and Ko, J.M. | 5 | Image-based structural dynamic displacement measurement using different multi-object tracking algorithms/Smart Structures and Systems,Ye, X.W.*, Dong,C.Z., and Liu, T | 6 | Statistical analysis and probabilistic modeling of WIM monitoring data of an instrumented arch bridge/Smart Structures and Systems,Ye, X.W.*, Su, Y.H., Xi, P.S.,Chen, B., and Han, J.P. | 7 | Stochastic characterization of wind field characteristics of an arch bridge instrumented with structural health monitoring system/Structural Safety,Ye, X.W.*, Xi, P.S., Su, Y.H., Chen, B.,and Han, J | 8 | Experimental evaluation of stress concentration factor of welded steel bridge T-joints/Journal of Constructional Steel Research,Ye, X.W., Ni, Y.Q., and Ko,J.M. | 9 | SHM-based probabilistic representation of wind properties: statistical analysis and bivariate modeling/ Smart Structures and Systems,Ye, X.W.*, Yuan, L., Xi, P.S., and Liu, H. | 10 | SHM-based probabilistic representation of wind properties: Bayesian inference and model optimization/Smart Structures and Systems,Ye, X.W.*, Yuan, L., Xi, P.S., and Liu, H. |
| 青年奖 | 浙江大学 | 教育部科技委环境与土木水利学部 |
35 | Y038-701 | 常耀光提名单位/人 | 中国农学会 | 姓名 | 常耀光 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1985-05-06 | 工作单位 | 中国海洋大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Enzymatic preparation and structural determination of oligosaccharides derived from sea cucumber (Acaudina molpadioides) fucoidan/Food chemistry/Long Yu, Xiaoqi Xu, Changhu Xue, Yaoguang Chang*等 | 2 | Structural study of fucoidan from sea cucumber Acaudina molpadioides: A fucoidan containing novel tetrafucose repeating unit/Food Chemistry/Long Yu, Lei Ge, Changhu Xue, Yaoguang Chang*, Cuiyu Zhang等 | 3 | Primary structure and chain conformation of fucoidan extracted from sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa/Carbohydrate Polymers/Yaoguang Chang*, Yanfang Hu, Long Yu, David Julian McClements, Xiaoqi Xu等 | 4 | Chain conformational and physicochemical properties of fucoidans from sea cucumber/Carbohydrate Polymers/Xiaoqi Xu, Changhu Xue, Yaoguang Chang?, Jun Wang, Kunhao Jiang | 5 | Crystalline structure and thermal property characterization of chitin from Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)/Carbohydrate Polymers/Yanchao Wang, Yaoguang Chang1, Long Yu, Cuiyu Zhang, Xiaoqi Xu等 | 6 | Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate is covalently associated with collagen fibrils in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus body wall/Carbohydrate Polymers/Jun Wang, Yaoguang Chang*, Fanxiu Wu, Xiaoqi Xu等 | 7 | Expression and characterization of a κ-carrageenase from marine bacterium Wenyingzhuangia aestuarii OF219 /International Journal of Biological Macromolecules/Jingjing Shen, Yaoguang Chang*等 | 8 | Competitive adsorption and displacement of anionic polysaccharides (fucoidan and gum arabic) on the surface of protein-coated lipid droplets/Food Hydrocolloids/Yaoguang Chang, Yanfang Hu,DJ McClements | 9 | Gastric protective activities of sea cucumber fucoidans with different molecular weight and chain conformations/Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry/Xiaoqi Xu, Yaoguang Chang*, Changhu Xue*等 | 10 | Influence of emulsifier type on the in vitro digestion of fish oil-in-water emulsions in the presence of an anionic marine polysaccharide (fucoidan)/Food Hydrocolloids/Yaoguang Chang, DJ McClements |
| 青年奖 | 中国海洋大学 | 中国农学会 |
36 | Y039-701 | 王双印提名单位/人 | 中国化工学会 | 姓名 | 王双印 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1983-10-17 | 工作单位 | 湖南大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Plasma-Engraved Co3O4 Nanosheets with Oxygen Vacancies and High Surface Area for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction/ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION/SHUANGYIN WANG | 2 |
Etched and doped Co9S8/graphene hybrid for oxygen electrocatalysis/
ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE/SHUANGYIN WANG et al. | 3 | Defect Chemistry of Nonprecious-Metal Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reactions/ADVANCED MATERIALS/SHUANGYIN WANG et al. | 4 | Sulfur-Doped Graphene Derived from Cycled Lithium-Sulfur Batteries as a Metal-Free Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction/ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION/SHUANGYIN WANG et al. | 5 | Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets with Multiple Vacancies Obtained by Dry Exfoliation as Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts/ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION/SHUANGYIN WANG etc | 6 |
In Situ Exfoliated, Edge-Rich, Oxygen-Functionalized Graphene from Carbon Fibers for Oxygen Electrocatalysis/ADVANCED MATERIALS/SHUANGYIN WANG et al.
| 7 | Oxygen Reduction Reaction in a Droplet on Graphite: Direct Evidence that the Edge Is More Active than the Basal Plane/ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION/SHUANGYIN WANG et al. | 8 |
Filling the oxygen vacancies in Co3O4 with phosphorus: an ultra-efficient electrocatalyst for overall water splitting/ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE/SHUANGYIN WANG et al.
| 9 | Water-Plasma-Enabled Exfoliation of Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets with Multivacancies for Water Oxidation/ADVANCED MATERIALS/SHUANGYIN WANG et al. | 10 |
Preferential Cation Vacancies in Perovskite Hydroxide for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
| 青年奖 | 湖南大学 | 中国化工学会 |
37 | Y040-701 | 杜兰提名单位/人 | 中国电子学会 | 姓名 | 杜兰 | 性别 | 女 | 出生年月 | 1980-03-04 | 工作单位 | 西安电子科技大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Bayesian spatiotemporal multitask learning for radar HRRP target recognition, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Lan Du*, Penghui Wang, Hongwei Liu et al. | 2 | Noise robust radar HRRP target recognition based on multitask factor analysis with small training data size, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Lan Du*, Hongwei Liu, Penghui Wang et al. | 3 | Robust statistical recognition and reconstruction scheme based on hierarchical Bayesian learning of HRR radar target signal, Expert Systems with Applications, Lan Du*, Penghui Wang, Lei Zhang et al. | 4 | Hierarchical classification of moving vehicles based on empirical mode decomposition of micro-Doppler signatures, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Yanbing Li, Lan Du, Hongwei Liu | 5 | Target detection via Bayesian-morphological saliency in high-resolution SAR images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Zhaocheng Wang, Lan Du*, Hongtao Su | 6 | SAR automatic target recognition based on Euclidean distance restricted autoencoder, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Sheng Deng, Lan Du*, Chen Li. | 7 | SAR automatic target recognition based on dictionary learning and joint dynamic sparse representation, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Yongguang Sun, Lan Du*, Yan Wang et al. | 8 | Noise robust radar HRRP target recognition based on scatterer matching algorithm, IEEE Sensors Journal, Lan Du*, Hua He, Le Zhao et al. | 9 | Unsupervised SAR image change detection based on SIFT keypoints and region information, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Yan Wang, Lan Du*, Hui Dai | 10 | Micro-Doppler feature extraction based on time-frequency spectrogram for ground moving targets classification with low-resolution radar, IEEE Sensors Journal, Lan Du*, Linsen Li, Baoshuai Wang et al. |
| 青年奖 | 西安电子科技大学 | 中国电子学会 |
38 | Y041-701 | 戈惠明提名单位/人 | 吕建 | 姓名 | 戈惠明 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1980-02-10 | 工作单位 | 南京大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Enzyme-catalysed [6+4] cycloadditions in the biosynthesis of natural products / Nature / Zhang, B.; Wang, K. B.; Wang, W.; Wang, X.; Liu, F.; et al; Houk, K. N.*; Liang, Y.*; Tan, R. X.*; Ge, H. M.* | 2 | Molecular Basis for the Final Oxidative Rearrangement Steps in Chartreusin Biosynthesis / Journal of American Chemical Society / Wang, Y. S.; Zhang, B.; Zhu, J.P.*; et al; Tan, R. X.*; Ge, H. M.* | 3 | Genome Mining and Comparative Biosynthesis of Meroterpenoids from Two Phylogenetically Distinct Fungi / Angew Chem Int Edit /Zhang, X.; Wang, T. T.; Xu, Q. L.; et al; Tan, R. X.*; Ge, H. M.* | 4 | Comparative genome mining and heterologous expression of an orphan NRPS gene cluster direct the production of ashimides / Chem. Sci./Shi, J.; Zeng, Y. J.; Zhang, B.; et al; Tan, R. X.*; Ge, H M.* | 5 | Genome mining and biosynthesis of kitacinnamycins as a STING activator / Chem. Sci. /Shi, J.; Liu, C. L.; Zhang, B.; et al; Jiao, R. H.; Tan. R. X.; Ge, H. M.* | 6 | Protecting Group-Free Total Synthesis of (-)-Lannotinidine B /J. Am. Chem. Soc. /Ge, H. M.; Zhang, L.-D.; Tan, R. X.; Yao, Z.-J. | 7 | Pictet-Spengler reaction-based biosynthetic machinery in fungi / Pro. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA /Yan, W.;? Ge, H. M.;? Wang, G.;? Jiang, N.;? Mei, Y. N.; et al; Ng, S. W.; Tan, R. X.
| 8 | Hopeahainol A: An acetylcholinesterase inhibitor from Hopea hainanensis / Chemistry - a European Journal /Ge, H. M.; Zhu, C. H.; Shi, D. H.; Zhang, L. D.; Xie, D. Q.; Yang, J.; Ng, S.; Tan, R. X.* | 9 | Chaetoglobins A and B, two unusual alkaloids from endophytic Chaetomium globosum culture / Chemical Communicaitons /Ge, H. M.; Zhang, W. Y.; Ding, G.; Saparpakorn, P.; Song, Y. C.; Tan R.X.*
| 10 | Discovery, Biosynthesis, and Heterologous Production of Streptoseomycin, an Anti-Microaerophilic Bacteria Macrodilactone /Organic Letters /Zhang, B.; Wang, K. B.; et al, Tan, R.X.*, Ge, H.M.*
| 青年奖 | 南京大学 | 吕建 |
39 | Y042-701 | 高珊提名单位/人 | 于志刚 | 姓名 | 高珊 | 性别 | 女 | 出生年月 | 1983-02-14 | 工作单位 | 中国海洋大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Impaired replication elongation in Tetrahymena mutants deficient in histone H3 Lys 27 monomethylation/Genes & Development/GaoS, …, MiaoW(通讯), LiuY(通讯) | 2 | Intercepting noncoding messages between germline and soma/Genes & Development/ GaoS, LiuY(通讯) | 3 | N6-adenine DNA methylation is associated with the linker DNA of H2A.Z-containing well-positioned nucleosomes in Pol II-transcribed genes in Tetrahymena/Nucleic Acids Research/ WangY, ., GaoS(通讯) | 4 | RNAi-dependent Polycomb repression controls transposable elements in Tetrahymena/Genes & Development/ ZhaoX, ..., GaoS(通讯), LiuY(通讯) | 5 | GPSit: An automated method for evolutionary analysis of nonculturable ciliated microeukaryotes/Molecular Ecology Resources/ChenX , ..., GaoS(通讯) | 6 | Structural and functional analysis of amphioxus HIFalpha reveals ancient features of the HIFalpha family/FASEB Journal/ GaoS, …, DuanC(通讯) | 7 | Multi-gene-based phylogenetic analysis of oligotrich ciliates with emphasis on two dominant groups/ Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution/ GaoF, ..., YiZ(通讯), GaoS(通讯) | 8 | Multigene-based phylogeny of the ciliate families Amphisiellidae and Trachelostylidae (Protozoa:Ciliophora:Hypotrichia)/Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution/HuangJ, GaoF(通讯), GaoS(通讯) | 9 | Phylogenetic analyses of cyclidiids (Protista, Ciliophora, Scuticociliatia) based on multiple genes suggest their close relationship with thigmotrichids/ Mol Phylogenetics Evol / GaoF, GaoS(通讯).. | 10 | Histone methyltransferase TXR1 is required for both H3 and H3.3 lysine 27 methylation in the well-known ciliated protist Tetrahymena thermophile/Science China Life Sciences/ ZhaoX, ..., GaoS(通讯) |
| 青年奖 | 中国海洋大学 | 于志刚 |
40 | Y043-701 | 戴佳钰提名单位/人 | 邓小刚 | 姓名 | 戴佳钰 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1981-06-29 | 工作单位 | 中国人民解放军国防科技大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Extremely Low Electron-ion Temperature Relaxation Rates in Warm Dense Hydrogen: Interplay between Quantum Electrons and Coupled Ions/Phys. Rev. Lett./Qian Ma, Jiayu Dai*, Dongdong Kang et al. | 2 | Dynamic Ionic Clusters with Flowing Electron Bubbles from Warm to Hot Dense Iron along the Hugoniot Curve /Phys. Rev. Lett./Jiayu Dai, Dongdong Kang, Zengxiu Zhao, Yanqun Wu and Jianmin Yuan | 3 | Unified first principles description from warm dense matter to ideal ionized gas plasma: Electron-ion induced friction /Phys. Rev. Lett./Jiayu Dai, Yong Hou, and Jianmin Yuan | 4 | Quantum Langevin molecular dynamics determination of the solar-interior equation of state. /Astrophys. J./ Jiayu Dai, Yong Hou, and Jianmin Yuan | 5 | Gas adsorption on graphene doped with B, N, Al, and S: a theoretical study/Appl. Phys. Lett. / Jiayu Dai, Jianmin Yuan, and Paolo Giannozzi | 6 | Multishock compression of dense cryogenic hydrogen-helium mixtures up to 60 GPa: Validating the equation of state calculated from first principles/Phys. Rev. B/Zhiguo Li et al. | 7 | Dynamic electron–ion collisions and nuclear quantum effects in quantum simulation of warm dense matter/ J. Phys.: Condens. Matter/Dongdong Kang, Jiayu Dai*. (Invited Topic Review) | 8 | Electronic and optical properties of warm dense lithium: strong coupling effects/J PHYS B-AT MOL OPT/Jiayu Dai*, Cheng Gao, Huayang Sun, Dongdong Kang (Emerging Leaders selected) | 9 | First-principles study on equation of states and electronic structures of shock compressed Ar up to warm dense regime/J. Chem. Phys./Huayang Sun, Dongdong Kang, Jiayu Dai* et al. | 10 | Quantum molecular dynamics study on the structures and dc conductivity of warm dense silane /Phys. Rev. E/Huayang Sun, Dongdong Kang, Jiayu Dai*, Jiaolong Zeng and Jianmin Yuan |
| 青年奖 | 中国人民解放军国防科技大学 | 邓小刚 |
41 | Y044-701 | 解国新提名单位/人 | 王玉明、雒建斌 | 姓名 | 解国新 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1982-01-01 | 工作单位 | 清华大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Lubrication under charged conditions/ Tribology International/ 解国新, 郭丹, 雒建斌* | 2 | Nanoconfined ionic liquids under electric fields/ Applied Physics Letters/ 解国新, 雒建斌*, 郭丹, 刘书海 | 3 | Mechanical properties of nanoparticles: basics and applications/ Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics/ 郭丹*, 解国新, 雒建斌 | 4 | Anisotropic mechanical properties of black phosphorus nanoribbons/ Journal of Physical Chemistry C/ 陈昊, 黄鹏, 郭丹*, 解国新* | 5 | Elastic properties of polystyrene nanospheres evaluated with atomic force microscopy: size effect and error analysis/ Langmuir/ 郭丹*, 李静楠, 解国新*, 王元元, 雒建斌 | 6 | Direct electrochemical synthesis of reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/copper composite films and their electrical/electroactive properties/ ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces/解国新*,Mattias Forlund,潘金山 | 7 | Interfacial properties for real rough MEMS/NEMS surfaces by incorporating the electrostatic and Casimir effects-a theoretical study/ Surface and Interface Analysis/ 解国新*, 丁建宁, 刘书海, 薛伟, 罗经 | 8 | Investigation of the running-in process and friction coefficient under the lubrication of ionic liquid/water mixture/ Applied Surface Science/ 解国新*, 刘书海, 郭丹, 王权, 雒建斌 | 9 | Tribological characterization of several silicon-based materials under ionic-liquids lubrication/ Tribology Letters / 解国新*, 王权, 司丽娜, 刘书海, 李刚 | 10 | Sessile multidroplets and salt droplets under high tangential electric fields/ Scientific Reports/ 解国新, 和枫, 刘翔, 司丽娜*, 郭丹* |
| 青年奖 | 清华大学 | 王玉明、雒建斌 |
42 | Y045-701 | 尤延铖提名单位/人 | 尹泽勇、孙聪 | 姓名 | 尤延铖 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1981-06-15 | 工作单位 | 厦门大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Design concept of three-dimensional section controllable internal waverider hypersonic inlet, Science in China, Yancheng You*; Dewang Liang | 2 | On the flow physics of a low momentum flux ratio jet in a supersonic turbulent crossflow, Europhysics Letters, Yancheng You*; Heinrich Luedeke; Klaus Hannemann | 3 | Injection and mixing in a scramjet combustor: DES and RANS studies, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Yancheng You*; Heinrich Luedeck; Klaus Hannemann | 4 | Lattice Boltzmann simulation for high-speed compressible viscous flows with a boundary layer, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Ruofan Qiu; Yancheng You*; Chengxiang Zhu; Rongqian Chen | 5 | A double-distribution-function lattice Boltzmann model for high-speed compressible viscous flow, Computers and Fluids, Ruofan Qiu; Chengxiang Zhu; Rongqian Chen; Jianfeng Zhu; Yancheng You* | 6 | Design of a three-dimensional hypersonic inward-turning inlet with tri-ducts for combined cycle engines, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, C. Z. Zhu; X. Zhang; F. Kong; Y. C. You* | 7 | Effects of jet in crossflow on flame acceleration and deflagration to detonation transition in methane-oxygen mixture, Combustion and Flame, H. Peng; Y. Huang; R. Deiterding; Z. Y. Luan; Y. C. You* | 8 | Thermal Protection System and Thermal Management for Combined-Cycle Engine: Review and Prospects, ENERGIES, Yiwei Dong; Ertai Wang; Yancheng You*; Chunping Yin; Zongpu Wu | 9 | Distributed adaptive affine formation control for heterogeneous linear networked systems, IEEE Access, Yang Xu; Delin Luo; Yancheng You*; Haibin Duan | 10 | Impact interaction of in-flight high-energy molten volcanic ash droplets with jet engines, ?Acta Materialia, W. J. Song*; S. J. Yang; M. Fukumoto; Y. Lavallée; S. Lokachari; H. B. Guo, Y. C. You*; D. |
| 青年奖 | 厦门大学 | 尹泽勇、孙聪 |
43 | Y046-701 | 伊廷华提名单位/人 | 中国土木工程学会 | 姓名 | 伊廷华 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1979-12-29 | 工作单位 | 大连理工大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | A modified monkey algorithm for optimal sensor placement in structural health monitoring(高被引论文集)/Smart Materials and Structures/Yi Ting-Hua*; Li Hong-Nan; Zhang Xu-Dong | 2 | Evaluation of earthquake-induced structural damages by wavelet transform/Progress in Natural Science/Li Hong-Nan; Yi Ting-Hua*; Gu Ming | 3 | Bayesian combination of weighted principal component analysis for diagnosing sensor faults in structural monitoring systems/Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE/ Huang Hai-Bin, Yi Ting-Hua*; Li H.N. | 4 | Damage detection in the cable structures of a bridge using the virtual distortion method/Journal of Bridge Engineering-ASCE/Li, Shi-Wei, Yi Ting-Hua*; Li Hong-Nan | 5 | Experimental assessment of high-rate GPS receivers for deformation monitoring of bridge(ESI高被引论文)/Measurement /Yi Ting-Hua*; Li Hong-Nan; Gu Ming | 6 | Optimal sensor placement for structural health monitoring based on multiple optimization strategies(ESI高被引论文)/Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings/Yi Ting-Hua*; Li Hong-Nan; Gu Ming | 7 | Recent research and applications of GPS-based monitoring technology for high-rise structures(ESI高被引论文、中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文)/Structural Control and Health Monitoring/Yi Ting-Hua*;etc. | 8 | Multi-stage structural damage diagnosis method based on “energy-damage” theory/Smart Structures and Systems(ESI高被引论文)/Yi Ting-Hua; Li Hong-Nan*; Sun Hong-Min | 9 | Wavelet based multi-step filtering method for bridge health monitoring using GPS and accelerometer(ESI高被引论文)/Smart Structures and Systems/Yi Ting-Hua*; Li Hong-Nan; Gu Ming | 10 | A new method for optimal selection of sensor location on a high-rise building using simplified finite element model(封面论文)/Structural Engineering and Mechanics/Yi Ting-Hua*; Li Hong-Nan; Gu Ming |
| 青年奖 | 大连理工大学 | 中国土木工程学会 |
44 | Y047-701 | 刘庄提名单位/人 | 中国化学会 | 姓名 | 刘庄 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1982-08-28 | 工作单位 | 苏州大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Graphene in Mice:Ultrahigh In Vivo Tumor Uptake and Efficient Photothermal Therapy/Nano Letters/Kai Yang,et al.,Zhuang Liu* | 2 | Photothermally Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy Delivered by Nano-Graphene Oxide/ACS Nano/Bo Tian,et al., Zhuang Liu* | 3 | Multimodal Imaging Guided Photothermal Therapy Using Functionalized Graphene Nano-sheets Anchored with Magnetic Nanoparticles/Advanced Materials/Kai Yang,et al., Zhuang Liu* | 4 | Near-infrared Light Induced In Vivo Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer Based on Upconversion Nanoparticles/Biomaterials/Chao Wang, et al., Zhuang Liu* | 5 | Facile Preparation of Multifunctional Upconversion Nanoprobes for Multimodal Imaging and Dual-targeted Photothermal Therapy/Angewandte Chemie-International Edition/Liang Cheng, et al., Zhuang Liu* | 6 | In Vitro and In Vivo Near-Infrared Photothermal Therapy of Cancer Using Polypyrrole Organic Nanoparticles/Advanced Materials/Kai Yang, Huan Xu,et al., Zhuang Liu* | 7 | An Imagable and Photothermal “Abraxane-Like”Nanodrug for Combination Cancer Therapy to Treat Subcutaneous and Metastatic Breast Tumors/Advanced Materials/Qian Chen,et al., Zhuang Liu* | 8 | Immunological Responses Triggered by Photothermal Therapy with Carbon Nanotubes in Combination with Anti-CTLA-4 Therapy to Inhibit Cancer Metastasis/Advanced Materials/Chao Wang,et al., Zhuang Liu* | 9 | Photothermal Therapy with Immune-adjuvant Nanoparticles Together with Checkpoint Blockade for Effective Cancer Immunotherapy/ Nature Communications/ Qian Chen,et al., Zhuang Liu* | 10 | Combined Local Immunostimulatory Radioisotope Therapy and Systemic Immune Checkpoint Blockade Imparts Potent Antitumour Responses/ Nature Biomedical Engineering/ Yu Chao,et al., Zhuang Liu* |
| 青年奖 | 苏州大学 | 中国化学会 |
45 | Y048-701 | 张勇提名单位/人 | 中华医学会 | 姓名 | 张勇 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1980-08-07 | 工作单位 | 哈尔滨医科大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | MiRNA-1 downregulation by propranolol in a rat model of myocardial infarction: a new mechanism for ischemic cardioprotection/Cardiovascular Research | 2 | Genistein alleviates pressure overload-induced cardiac dysfunction and interstitial fibrosis in mice/British Journal of Pharmacology | 3 | Downregulation of miR-133 and miR-590 contributes to nicotine-induced atrial remodelling in canines/Cardiovascular Research | 4 | Upregulation of microRNA-1 and microRNA-133 contributes to arsenic-induced cardiac electrical remodeling/ International Journal of Cardiology | 5 | Berberine hydrochloride prevents postsurgery intestinal adhesion and inflammation in rats / Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics | 6 | Overexpression of microRNA-1 Causes Atrioventricular Block in Rodents/International Journal of Biological Sciences | 7 | Shensong Yangxin capsule prevents diabetic myocardial fibrosis by inhibiting TGF-β1/Smad signaling. J Ethnopharmacol. | 8 | MicroRNA-30d regulates cardiomyocyte pyroptosis by directly targeting foxo3a in diabetic cardiomyopathy/Cell Death and Disease | 9 | β-Blocker carvedilol protects cardiomyocytes against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis by up-regulating miR-133 expression/Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology | 10 | miR-106a promotes cardiac hypertrophy by targeting mitofusin 2/Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology |
| 青年奖 | 哈尔滨医科大学 | 中华医学会 |
46 | Y049-701 | 邢贵川提名单位/人 | 宋永华 | 姓名 | 邢贵川 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1981-09-20 | 工作单位 | 澳门大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | The physics of ultrafast saturable absorption in grapheme, Guichuan Xing, Hongchen Guo, Xinhai Zhang, Tze Chien Sum, Cheng Hon Alfred Huan | 2 | Long-Range Balanced Electron and Hole-Transport Lengths in Organic-Inorganic CH3NH3PbI3, Guichuan Xing, Nripan Mathews, Shuangyong Sun, Swee Sien Lim, Yend Ming Lam, et al. | 3 | Low-temperature solution-processed wavelength-tunable perovskites for lasing, Guichuan Xing, Nripan Mathews, Swee Sien Lim, Natalia Yantara, Xinfeng Liu, et al. | 4 | Solution-Processed Tin-Based Perovskite for Near-Infrared Lasing, Guichuan Xing, Mulmudi Hemant Kumar, Wee Kiang Chong, Xinfeng Liu, Yao Cai, et al. | 5 | Three-Photon Absorption in Seeded CdSe/CdS Nanorod Heterostructures, Guichuan Xing, Sabyasachi Chakrabortty, Song Wee Ngiam, Yinthai Chan, Tze Chien Sum | 6 | Enhanced tunability of the multiphoton absorption cross-section in seeded CdSe/CdS nanorod heterostructures, Guichuan Xing, Sabyasachi Chakrabortty, Kok Loong Chou, Nimai Mishra, et al. | 7 | Fe3O4-Ag nanocomposites for optical limiting: broad temporal response and low threshold, Guichuan Xing, JiangJiang, Jackie Y. Ying, Wei Ji | 8 | Ultralow-Threshold Two-Photon Pumped Amplified Spontaneous Emission and Lasing from Seeded CdSe/CdS Nanorod Heterostructures, Guichuan Xing, Yile Liao, Xiangyang Wu, Sabyasachi Chakrabortty, et al. | 9 | Interfacial Electron Transfer Barrier at Compact TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3 Heterojunction, Guichuan Xing, Bo Wu, Shi Chen, Julianto Chua, Natalia Yantara, et al. | 10 | Two- and three-photon absorption of semiconductor quantum dots in the vicinity of half of lowest exciton energy, Guichuan Xing, Wei Ji, Yuangang Zheng and Jackie Y. Ying |
| 青年奖 | 澳门大学 | 宋永华 |
47 | Y050-701 | 刘攀提名单位/人 | 张广军 | 姓名 | 刘攀 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1979-09-16 | 工作单位 | 东南大学 |
| 论文或专著情况 | 序号 | 论文、专著名称/刊名/作者 | 1 | Understanding the effects of trip patterns on spatially aggregated crashes with large-scale taxi GPS data/Accident Analysis and Prevention/Bao J, Liu P, Qin X, Zhou H | 2 | Reinforcement Learning-Based Variable Speed Limit Control Strategy to Reduce Traffic Congestion at Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks/IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems/Li Z, Liu P | 3 | Development of a Control Strategy of Variable Speed Limits to Reduce Rear-End Collision Risks Near Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks/IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems/Li Z,Liu P | 4 | Comparative analysis of the spatial analysis methods for hotspot identification/Accident Analysis and Prevention/Yu H, Liu P, Chen J, Wang H | 5 | Comparative analysis of the safety effects of electric bikes at signalized intersections/Transportation research part D: transport and environment/Bai L, Liu P, Chen Y, Zhang X, Wang W | 6 | Identifying if VISSIM simulation model and SSAM provide reasonable estimates for field measured traffic conflicts at signalized intersections/Accident Analysis and Prevention/Huang F, Liu P, Yu H | 7 | Evaluation of the impacts of traffic states on crash risks on freeways/Accident Analysis and Prevention/Xu C, Liu P, Wang W, Li Z | 8 | Using support vector machine models for crash injury severity analysis/Accident Analysis & Prevention/Li Z, Liu P, Wang W, Xu C | 9 | Effects of transverse rumble strips on safety of pedestrian crosswalks on rural roads in China/Accident Analysis and Prevention/Liu P, Huang J, Wang W, Xu C | 10 | Safety effects of the separation distances between driveway exits and downstream U-turn locations/Accident Analysis and Prevention/Liu P, Lu J J, Chen H |
| 青年奖 | 东南大学 | 张广军 |