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Breakdown of Non-Teaching Staff with Academic Ranks


Unit: in Person

  合计 Total 教授 Professors 副教授 Asso. prof. 讲师 Lecturers 助教 Assistants
总计 Total 49143 5248 12662 20214 11019
行政人员中 Adm. Personnel                                                              25462 1756 6216 11011 6479
科研机构人员中 Personnel in Research Org. 15110 3207 4895 5092 1916
教辅人员中 Supporting Staff 4559 144 784 2035 1596
校办厂、场职工中 Employees in School-run Factories & farms 757 35 178 424 120
附设机构人员中 Personnel in Subsidiary Units 3255 106 589 1652 908



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