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Aggregate Data on Academic Qualifications

of Full-time and Part-time Teachers in HEIs


Unit:in Persons



博士 Doctor's Degrees

硕士 Master's Degrees

本科 Normal Courses

专科及以下 Short-cycle Courses and Under

1.专任教师  Full-time Teachers 731843 44466 158068 486483 42826
 其中:女 Of Which:Female 301245 8164 61346 213993 17742
 正高级 Senior 66315 15952 16623 32263 1477
 副高级 Sub-senior 217385 18738 51594 137791 9262
 中级 Middle 257899 8382 62089 170422 17006
 初级 Junior 143296 570 21671 109809 11246
 无职称 No Rank 46948 824 6091 36198 3835
2.聘请校外教师 Part-time Teachers 171361 8153 31832 116226 15150
 其中:女 Of Which:Female 59159 1358 10533 42156 5112
 正高级 Senior 27653 4766 7315 15046 526
 副高级 Sub-senior 62416 2333 12290 45835 1958
 中级 Middle 63519 744 9160 43088 10527
 初级 Junior 12319 70 1692 9120 1437
 无职称 No Rank 5454 240 1375 3137 702
  聘请校外教师中外教 Foreign Teachers Among Part-time Teachers ones 3934 517 1078 2288 51



版权所有:中华人民共和国教育部 中文域名:教育部.政务

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