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Data on Academic Qualifications of Full-time and

Part-time Teachers in Non-state/private HEIs


Unit:in Persons



博士 Doctor's Degrees

硕士 Master's Degrees

本科 Normal Courses

专科及以下 Short-cycle Courses and Under

1.专任教师  Full-time Teachers 24563 515 2613 17655 3780
 其中:女 Of Which:Female 10052 144 923 7212 1773
 正高级 Senior 4106 258 722 3029 97
 副高级 Sub-senior 7654 193 1101 5949 411
 中级 Middle 7330 58 642 5407 1223
 初级 Junior 3702 1 97 2367 1237
 无职称 No Rank 1771 5 51 903 812
2.聘请校外教师 Part-time Teachers 45801 1647 7807 27137 9210
 其中:女 Of Which:Female 16936 335 2940 10690 2971
 正高级 Senior 7592 825 1971 4650 146
 副高级 Sub-senior 16664 579 3175 12463 447
 中级 Middle 18643 199 2135 8533 7776
 初级 Junior 1975 3 267 1223 482
 无职称 No Rank 927 41 259 268 359
  聘请校外教师中外教 Foreign Teachers Among Part-time Teachers ones 310 16 93 196 5



版权所有:中华人民共和国教育部 中文域名:教育部.政务

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