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Breakdown of Non-Teaching Staff with Academic Ranks 
Unit: in Person
  合计     Total 教授   Professors 副教授 Asso. prof. 讲师  Lecturers 助教Assistants
总计 Total 48923 5033 12585 20165 11140
行政人员中 Am. Personnel  26112 1909 6533 11176 6494
科研机构人员中 Personnel in Research Org. 13631 2826 4321 4642 1842
教辅人员中 Supporting Staff 4938 154 840 2156 1788
校办厂、场职工中 Employees in School-run Factories & farms 800 38 188 452 122
附设机构人员中 Personnel in Subsidiary Units 3442 106 703 1739 894



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