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Number of  Students by Field of Study in Specialized Secondary Schools
Unit:in Person

招生数 Entrants    

  毕业生数Graduates 合计
From Senior Sec. Schools Graduates
From Junior  Sec. Schools Graduates
在校学生数Enrolment 毕业班学生数Graduates   for Next Year
总计 Total 1401451 1633761 114271 1519490 5154984 1511882
工科 Industry 406832 543010 22190 520820 1797589 461779
农科 Agriculture 50926 68168 3041 65127 207115 58390
林科 Forestry 11732 17305 1539 15766 52455 14187
医药卫生科 Health 135794 173754 4357 169397 526507 131161
财经 Finance & Economics 211571 182290 15519 166771 621729 218714
管理 Administration 153615 190723 11995 178728 578299 168399
政法 Politics & Law 45197 62311 26371 35940 141755 46177
艺术 Art 45132 78782 3255 75527 231419 57907
体育 Physical Culture 19125 26712 111 26601 75160 21269
师范 Teachers Training 321527 290706 25893 264813 922956 333899
其中:幼儿师范专业 Of Which:for Pre-School Teacher 27495 27027 0 27027 86611 29445
特教师范专业 For Special Education 2211 2526 289 2237 7492 2168



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