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Number of Teachers, Staff & Workers in Adult Spacialized Secondary Schools
单位: 人
                   Unit : in Person
Employees in the School Proper
      教辅人员 行政人员   Part-time
  合计 专任教师 Supporting Adm. 工勤人员 Teachers
  Total Full-time  Staff Personnel Workers
总计 Total 232255 130665 23592 43992 34006 61690
其中:女教职工 of which:Female     93591 53486 11556 15023 13526 18172
一、教师小计 Those with teaching rank 124986 100869 7389 15364 1364 37557
高级讲师 Senior Lecturers 23308 17705 716 4835 52 10014
讲师 Lecturers 60817 49758 3292 7409 358 20615
助理讲师 Assistant Lecturers 40861 33406 3381 3120 954 6928
二、其他小计 Those with other professional ranks 58936 22940 10413 17897 7686 21531
副高级职称 Senior-level ones 7163 3195 742 2380 846 5061
中级职称 Middle-level ones 25928 10683 4476 8149 2620 12381
初级职称 Junior-level ones 25845 9062 5195 7368 4220 4089
三、无职称人数 Without professional titles        48333 6856 5790 10731 24956 2602



版权所有:中华人民共和国教育部 中文域名:教育部.政务

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